作者:ADI 公司
ADI 公司的AD8283带ADC的汽车雷达接收模拟前端(AFE),包括了六路低噪音放大器(LNA),可编增益放大器(PGA)和抗混淆滤波器(AAF)以及一路12位ADC。每路的增益通过SPI编程,增益从16dB到34dB,每步为6dB,输入参考噪音电压在最大增益时为3.5 nV/√Hz,SNR = 67 dB 和SFDR = 68 dB,主要用在汽车雷达,自适应碰撞控制,防止空中相撞,盲点检测,自停车和电子缓冲器。本文介绍了AD8283主要特性,功能方框图,雷达系统方框图以及差分输入和单端输入的应用电路图。
Radar Receive Path AFE: 6-Channel LNA/PGA/AAF with ADC
The AD8283 is designed for low cost, low power, compact size, flexibility, and ease of use. It contains six channels of a low noise preamplifier (LNA) with a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) and an antialiasing filter (AAF) plus one direct-to-ADC channel, all integrated with a single 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
Each channel features a gain range of 16 dB to 34 dB in 6 dB increments and an ADC with a conversion rate of up to 80 MSPS. The combined input-referred noise voltage of the entire channel is 3.5 nV/√Hz at maximum gain. The channel is optimized for dynamic performance and low power in applications where a small package size is critical.
Fabricated in an advanced CMOS process, the AD8283 is available in a 10 mm × 10 mm, RoHS-compliant, 72-lead LFCSP. It is specified over the automotive temperature range of −40℃ to +105℃.
6 channels of LNA, PGA, AAF
1 channel of direct-to-ADC
Programmable gain amplifier (PGA)
Includes low noise preamplifier (LNA)
SPI-programmable gain = 16 dB to 34 dB in 6 dB steps
Antialiasing filter (AAF)
Programmable third-order low-pass elliptic filter (LPF) from 1 MHz to 12 MHz
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
12 bits of accuracy up to 80 MSPS
SNR = 67 dB
SFDR = 68 dB
Low power, 170 mW per channel at 12 bits/80 MSPS
Low noise, 3.5 nV/√Hz maximum of input referred voltage noise
Power-down mode
72-lead, 10 mm × 10 mm, LFCSP package
Specified from −40℃ to +105℃
Qualified for automotive applications
Automotive radar
Adaptive cruise control
Collision avoidance
Blind spot detection
Electronic bumper