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关键词: 蓝牙 CSR8510

关键字:CSR8510 蓝牙

    PC 产品的OEM厂商都希望在新设计里整合越来越多的无线技术,而我们提供的就是一条通向这个目标的捷径。CSR Harmony和CSR8510可以和其他射频一同运作,以此来为PC用户快速提供一个完整无缝的无线体验。拥有全速USB 2.0接口,并且能够帮助平板电脑、笔记型电脑…市场的产品设计者开发带有最新高速和低功耗技术的产品。

    结合最近发布的CSR Harmony软件,CSR8510标志著向PC无线通信的发展进入了崭新的阶段,并帮助如Ralink 和Realtek 这样的CSR公司PC客户和合作伙伴最先向市场推广新型蓝芽技术。

    CSR Harmony, (http://www.csr.com/news/pr/release/180/en),作为CSR8510的核心软件,是用于PC组件的CSR智慧连接软件框架。通过一个完整的软件栈集合所有的CSR连接硬件,CSR Harmony软件在为PC用户提供了一个简单的、统一的无线体验,同时也为OEM厂商提供了一个进入市场的全面且易于整合的途径

产品规格 : CSR8510 –8th Generation Bluetooth for the PC Bluetooth
Bluetooth Radio
1. On-chip balun(50Ωimpedance in TX and RX modes)
2. No external trimming is required in production
3. Bluetooth v3.0 specification compliant
4. Bluetooth 4.0 (Btle) radio-ready

Bluetooth Transmitter
1. 10dBm RF transmit power with level control from on-chip 6-bit DAC over a dynamic range >30dB
2. Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 support without need for external power amplifier or TX/RX switch

Bluetooth Receiver
1. (ADD COEX)-93dBm π/4 DQPSK sensitivity
2. Integrated channel filters
3. Digital demodulator for improved sensitivity and cochannelrejection
4. Real time digitized RSSI available on HCI interface
5. Channel classification for AFH

1. 28-ball 2.57 x 3.21 x 0.6mm, 0.5mm pitch WLCSP
2. Can be used on low-cost PCBs without the need for blind vias

1. USB full speed compliant

Blueslim 2 module
1. Uses CSR new 8510 PC Bluetooth chip
2. 15 passives
3. Standard 3225 crystal
4. Four layer 0.1mm track and gap PCB
5. That’s it !

1. USB Dongle for PC
2. Bluetooth module for NB, PC, Tablet
3. Bluetooth + WiFi combo module with Ralink or Realtek