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卿朝进, 夏 天, 唐友喜, 查光明
电子科技大学 通信抗干扰技术国家重点实验室, 四川 成都 611731
摘要: 在线形小区中,基站的两分布式接收天线接收来自单天线移动台的发射信号。基于OFDM定时捕获,提出利用最小最大准则进行线形小区中两分布式天线的最优位置设计。根据最小最大准则,最优天线位置根据最坏捕获情况最小化得到。仿真结果表明,当移动台位置在线形小区中均匀分布时,两分布式接收天线应根据线形小区中心对称放置。
中图分类号: TN914
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 0258-7998(2011)05-0118-03
Distributed antenna location design based on timing acquisition of OFDM
Qing Chaojin, Xia Tian, Tang Youxi, Zha Guangming
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communications, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu 611731, China
Abstract: In a linear cell, two distributed receive antennas at base station(BS) are assumed for receiving the signal transmitted from the mobile station (MS) with a single antenna. Based on the timing acquisition of OFDM, the optimal antenna location design for the two distributed antennas in the linear cell is proposed according to the minimax criterion. By exploiting the minimax criterion, the optimal antenna locations can be obtained according to the best system performance that the probability of worst case is minimized. Simulation results illustrate that the distributed receive antennas should be located symmetrically about the linear cell center when the distribution of MS location is uniform.
Key words : antenna location design; distributed antenna systems(DAS); orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM); timing acquisition

    正交频分复用OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)技术能很好地对抗频率选择性衰落,因而被广泛应用于诸如无线局域网、数字广播电视等无线通信系统中[1]。与此同时,分布式天线系统DAS(Distributed Antenna Systems)具有诸如增加系统的覆盖、提高系统频谱效率等优点,是第四代移动通信的关键技术之一[2]。分布式天线与OFDM技术的结合,将是一项很有前瞻性的课题。


    考虑两分布式接收天线位置的所有组合,图 3给出了最坏情况发生的次数与移动台位置的关系。从图 3可以看出,最坏情况主要发生在线形小区的边界,其次是小区中心位置附近。    

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