BL1800 Jackrabbit
作者:Digi Internation
Key Features
Up to 29.5 MHz clock speed
Compact 3.5” x 2.5” size
4 serial ports
Multifunctional I/O
Analog input and outputs
Design Advantages:
Easy development using Rabbit's Dynamic C programming language
Extensive library of drivers and sample programs are available
Proven hardware
Tank monitoring
Automatic meter reading
Remote monitoring and communications
Remote energy management
Security and surveillance
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邮 编:200030
电 话:+86-21 5150-6898分机 31中国区嵌入式产品销售经理: 盛卫东
传 真:+86-21 5150-6899
技术支持:+86-21 5150-6898 分机 32 中国区嵌入式产品系统工程师:马超
Digi International (HK) Ltd 深圳代表处
地 址:中国深圳市深南中路中信城市广场办公楼16楼059室
邮 编:518031
电 话:+0755-33305112 华南区嵌入式产品销售经理:卢光来
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技术支持:+86-21 5150-6898 分机 32 中国区嵌入式产品系统工程师:马超