Cypress CY3280-22x45通用CapSense控制器开发方案
Cypress公司的CY3280-22x45汽车级PSoC 可编程片上系统,包含多个可配置的模拟和数字逻辑模块,以及可编程互连。PSoC 采用功能强大的哈佛架构处理器,M8C处理器速度高达24MHz,8x8乘法器,32位累加器,可使用户能够根据每个应用的要求,来创建定制的外设配置,具有广泛的应用。本文介绍了CY3280-22x45主要特性,方框图以及通用CapSense控制器开发套件主要特性,电路图,材料清单,PCB布局图和元件分布图.
PSoC 可编程片上系统系列产品包含许多器件。 这些器件旨在使用一个低成本的单芯片可编程组件取代多个基于 MCU 的传统系统组件。 PSoC 器件包含多个可配置的模拟和数字逻辑模块,以及可编程互连。 这种架构使得用户能够根据每个应用的要求,来创建定制的外设配置。 此外,在一系列方便易用的引脚布局和封装中还包含快速 CPU、闪速程序存储器、SRAM 数据存储器和可配置的 I/O。
■ Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) Q100 qualified
■ Powerful Harvard-architecture processor
❐ M8C processor speeds up to 24 MHz
❐ 8 × 8 multiply, 32-bit accumulate
❐ Low power at high speed
❐ Automotive A-grade: 3.0 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 ℃ to +85 ℃ temperature range
❐ Automotive E-grade: 4.75 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 ℃ to +125 ℃ temperature range
■ Advanced peripherals (PSoC® blocks)
❐ Six analog Type ‘E’ PSoC blocks provide:
• Up to four comparators with digital-to-analog converters (DAC) references
• Up to 10-bit single or dual analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
❐ Up to eight digital PSoC blocks provide:
• 8 to 32-bit timers, counters, and pulse width modulators (PWMs)
• One-shot, multi-shot mode in timers and PWMs
• PWM with deadband in one digital block
• Shift register, cyclical redundancy check (CRC), and pseudo random sequence (PRS) modules
• Full- or half-duplex UARTs
• SPI masters or slaves, 8- to 16-bit variable data length
• Connectable to all general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins
❐ Complex peripherals by combining blocks
❐ Powerful synchronization support, analog module operations can be synchronized by digital blocks or external signals.
■ High-speed 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC with sample and hold optimized for embedded control
■ Precision, programmable clocking
❐ Internal oscillator up to 24 MHz
❐ High accuracy 24 MHz with optional 32-kHz crystal and phase locked loop (PLL)
❐ Optional external oscillator, up to 24 MHz
❐ Internal low speed, low-power oscillator for watchdog and sleep functionality
■ Flexible on-chip memory
❐ Up to 16 KB flash program storage, 1000 erase/write cycles
❐ Up to 1 KB SRAM data storage
❐ In-System Serial Programming (ISSP)
❐ Partial flash updates
❐ Flexible protection modes
❐ EEPROM emulation in flash
■ Optimized CapSense® resource
❐ Supports two CapSense channels with simultaneous scanning
❐ Two current DACs provide programmable sensor tuning in firmware
❐ Two dedicated clock resources for CapSense Features
■ Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) Q100 qualified
■ Powerful Harvard-architecture processor
❐ M8C processor speeds up to 24 MHz
❐ 8 × 8 multiply, 32-bit accumulate
❐ Low power at high speed
❐ Automotive A-grade: 3.0 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 ℃ to +85 ℃ temperature range
❐ Automotive E-grade: 4.75 V to 5.25 V operation at –40 ℃ to +125 ℃ temperature range
■ Advanced peripherals (PSoC® blocks)
❐ Six analog Type ‘E’ PSoC blocks provide:
• Up to four comparators with digital-to-analog converters (DAC) references
• Up to 10-bit single or dual analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
❐ Up to eight digital PSoC blocks provide:
• 8 to 32-bit timers, counters, and pulse width modulators (PWMs)
• One-shot, multi-shot mode in timers and PWMs
• PWM with deadband in one digital block
• Shift register, cyclical redundancy check (CRC), and pseudo random sequence (PRS) modules
• Full- or half-duplex UARTs
• SPI masters or slaves, 8- to 16-bit variable data length
• Connectable to all general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins
❐ Complex peripherals by combining blocks
❐ Powerful synchronization support, analog module operations can be synchronized by digital blocks or external signals.
■ High-speed 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC with sample and hold optimized for embedded control
■ Precision, programmable clocking
❐ Internal oscillator up to 24 MHz
❐ High accuracy 24 MHz with optional 32-kHz crystal and phase locked loop (PLL)
❐ Optional external oscillator, up to 24 MHz
❐ Internal low speed, low-power oscillator for watchdog and sleep functionality
■ Flexible on-chip memory
❐ Up to 16 KB flash program storage, 1000 erase/write cycles
❐ Up to 1 KB SRAM data storage
❐ In-System Serial Programming (ISSP)
❐ Partial flash updates
❐ Flexible protection modes
❐ EEPROM emulation in flash
■ Optimized CapSense® resource
❐ Supports two CapSense channels with simultaneous scanning
❐ Two current DACs provide programmable sensor tuning in firmware
❐ Two dedicated clock resources for CapSense
This kit showcases the features of CY3280-22X45. The CY3280-22X45 family of PSoC® includes the following devices: CY8C21345-24SXI, CY8C22345-24SXI, and CY8C22545-24AXI. The 56-pin OCD part is assembled in the CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board. This part is used only for in-circuit debugging.
The CapSense feature of CY8C22X45 can be implemented with the CY3280-SLM Universal CapSense Linear Slider Module. The two boards are connected by a 44-pin connector. The other features of CY3280-22X45 can be implemented with the CY3280-CPM1 Universal CapSense Plus Controller Module. The two boards are connected by a 40-pin connector. The CY3280-SLM Universal CapSense Linear Slider Module and the CY3280-CPM1 Universal CapSense Plus Controller Module can be connected with the CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board simultaneously.
CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board
■CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board
■Printed Documents
■CY3280-22X45 Universal CapSense Controller Board CD
■CY3240-I2CUSB Board
■CY3210-MiniProg1 Programmer