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王 晔,靳方略,吕铭心
摘要: 工业控制系统现已广泛应用在油田行业,随着两化融合、智慧油田建设进程的加速,油田工控网络从相对封闭到趋于开放,工控系统的脆弱性和外部威胁被进一步放大,严重影响着国家油田行业的安全生产、稳定运营。从油田工控实际需求出发,依据工业控制系统等级保护扩展要求,结合油田工业控制系统协议多样、设备可靠性要求高、安全机制不能影响实时性等特点,从安全通信网络、安全区域边界、安全计算环境、安全管理中心等方面着手,研究贴合油田行业特征的工控网络安全解决方案。
中图分类号: TP393.1
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.10.008
引用格式: 王晔,靳方略,吕铭心. 油田工业控制系统网络安全解决方案研究[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(10):38-43.
Research on network security solution for petroleum industrial control system
Wang Ye,Jin Fanglue,Lv Mingxin
The 6th Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation,Beijing 100083,China
Abstract: Industry control systems have been widely used in petroleum industry. Nowadays, with the integration of information technology and industrialization in petroleum enterprises, the ICS networks have changed from relatively isolate to open with the outside net world, so it magnifies the ICS vulnerability and external net threats, which seriously affects the safe production and stable operation of the national petroleum industry. The research is based on the actual needs of ICS security in petroleum industry, referring to the information system classified protection of ICS, considering the characteristics of the petroleum industrial control system, such as the diversity of protocols, high reliability requirements of equipment, and the safety mechanism can not affect the real-time system operation, etc. The research will follow the aspects of secure communication network, secure area boundary, secure computing environment and safety management center, trying to find a complete set of ICS security solution and fit the petroleum industry in an all-round way.
Key words : petroleum industry;industry control system;ICS network;network security

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    工业控制系统,如分散控制系统(Distributed Control System,DCS)、数据采集与监视控制系统(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition,SCADA)、可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)以及各种远程终端单元(Remote Terminal Unit,RTU)等,广泛应用于石油化工、电力、水利、冶金、航空航天等诸多现代工业。我国油田行业,普遍采用RTU、PLC、SCADA等控制系统完成对原油的采集、存储、输送、销售等环节。






王  晔,靳方略,吕铭心

