东华大学 信息科学与技术学院,上海201620
摘要: 随着新能源汽车市场规模的增长,电池管理系统(Battery Management Systems,BMS)的市场需求也进一步扩大。作为保障电池安全及延长电池寿命的BMS而言,动力锂电池组的荷电状态(State of Charge,SOC)估算是BMS研究的重点。在研究了安时积分法估算SOC时受SOC初始值影响较大,且具有累积误差的问题,以及扩展卡尔曼滤波算法(EKF)估算SOC时收敛较慢的基础上,采用二阶RC等效电路模型对锂电池进行建模分析,针对锂电池各参数受SOC变化的影响,引进无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)算法,给出了锂电池的SOC仿真实验。实验结果表明,该种基于UKF的估算方法对SOC的估算更准确,误差更小且收敛速度快,对传统采用定值电池参数BMS的改进具有重要意义。
中图分类号: TM912
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.10.010
引用格式: 官洪运,张抒艺,井倩倩,等. 一种基于UKF的SOC估算方法[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(10):49-54.
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.10.010
引用格式: 官洪运,张抒艺,井倩倩,等. 一种基于UKF的SOC估算方法[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(10):49-54.
A method of SOC estimation based on UKF
Guan Hongyun,Zhang Shuyi,Jing Qianqian,Wang Yaqing,Miao Xinmiao
School of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China
Abstract: With the growth of the new energy vehicle market, market demand for battery management systems(BMS) has also further expanded. For BMS, which guarantees battery safety and prolongs battery life, the estimation of the state of charge(SOC) of a powered lithium battery pack is the focus of BMS research. Based on the study of the problem that the AH integration method is greatly affected by the initial value of the SOC and has a cumulative error, and the extended Kalman filter algorithm(EKF) has a slower convergence when estimating the SOC, a second-order RC equivalent circuit model was used to model and analyze the lithium battery. Considering that the parameters of the lithium battery are affected by SOC changes, the Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) algorithm was introduced to simulate the SOC of the lithium battery. The experimental results show that the UKF-based SOC estimation is more accurate, the error is smaller, and the convergence speed is faster, which is of great significance to the improvement of the traditional fixed-value battery parameter BMS.
Key words : lithium battery;unscented Kalman filter;state of charge;equivalent circuit;estimation method
0 引言
广泛使用锂电池作为动力电池的新能源汽车正逐渐普及,而锂电池荷电状态(SOC)的估计对新能源汽车的剩余可用电量具有指导作用,是电池管理系统研究的关键问题之一。研究估算锂电池的SOC,首先需要进行电池建模。目前,锂电池模型主要有能够较好描述电化学特性电化学模型,抽象电池电化学特性的等效电路模型及神经网络模型[1]等。DOYLE M等[2]提出经典电化学模型——Doyle-Fuller-Newman模型用叠加法简化了数值计算;马玉菲等[3]提出一种改进的PNGV模型并使用该模型较准确地估算了电池的SOC;PENG J C等[4]提出了一种三层神经网络模型较准确地预测电池的SOC。这些电池模型虽然各有优势,但是电化学模型计算量太大,PNGV模型由于模型较复杂,神经网络模型需要复杂的训练,均不太适合应用于电池管理系统。所以,考虑模型复杂性及模型准确性,本文采用二阶RC等效电路作为锂电池模型进行研究。
(东华大学 信息科学与技术学院,上海201620)