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王法臻,崔少辉,王 成
陆军工程大学石家庄校区,河北 石家庄050003
摘要: 随着PCIe设备在计算机系统中使用数量的增多,若能在确保设备正常工作的前提下适时调整设备的电源管理状态,可有效降低功耗。PCIe设备的电源管理需要依靠操作系统和驱动程序协同处理实现。通过对电源管理技术和WDF驱动程序框架的研究和分析,介绍了I/O请求的处理流程、队列使用的原则规范等内容,设计了基于I/O请求入列触发、跟随系统电源状态转换及设置框架属性的解决方案来实现设备的休眠和唤醒,并展示部分代码和实例验证了设计的可行性。
中图分类号: TN91;TP39
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 王法臻,崔少辉,王成. PCIe设备功耗管理驱动程序的开发[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(12):89-93.
英文引用格式: Wang Fazhen,Cui Shaohui,Wang Cheng. Development of driver for PCIe device power management[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(12):89-93.
Development of driver for PCIe device power management
Wang Fazhen,Cui Shaohui,Wang Cheng
Shijiazhang Campus of Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050003,China
Abstract: As the number of PCIe devices used in computer systems increases, timely adjusting the power management state of the device can effectively reduce power consumption. The operating system and drivers need to cooperate with each other to complete the control for the PCIe device′s power management. Based on the research and analysis of the Windows operating system′s power management technology and the WDF, this paper introduces the processing flow of I/O requests and the principle of queue′s usage, as well as designs the solutions based on I/O request processing, power state transitions and framework property settings to achieve device hibernation and wake-up. Moreover, there are some codes shown to prove the feasibility of the design.
Key words : WDF;power management;power controlling;I/O request;PCIe

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    PCIe(Peripheral Component Interconnect express)总线能够实现与计算机系统、服务器等所有周边I/O设备的互连,同前两代I/O总线相比,在结构上的改变和优化使得传输速率得到了大幅度提高,克服了PCI总线在系统带宽、传输速度等方面的固有缺陷,同时具有支持热插拔、低消耗和电源管理能力等方面特点。PCIe总线因此已得到广泛应用[1-3]。 




王法臻,崔少辉,王  成

(陆军工程大学石家庄校区,河北 石家庄050003)
