Abstract: The noise environment of HPLC channel is complex, but the existing equipment is difficult to collect and analyze the channel noise. Therefore, this paper proposes a HPLC channel analysis module, which can realize the functions of high-precision sample collection, channel attenuation characteristic test, etc., and can play back the noise in the laboratory test environment to realize the real simulation of the field environment. Firstly, the hardware architecture of the analysis module is introduced, the state machine design of FPGA logic circuit and embedded software design are described . Finally, the prototype is tested. The results show that the channel analysis module can meet all the functions of the design requirements, and solve the problems of HPLC communication chip anti noise research and field maintenance test.
Key words : HPLC;channel noise;high speed signal acquisition;FPGA
0 引言
电力线载波通信(Power Line Communication,PLC)是一种使用电力线作为物理通信介质的通信方式。利用电力线等媒体传输数据信息,可以降低运营成本、减少构建新的通信网络的支出[1]。而相比窄带载波,高速载波具有速率高、抗干扰能力强等优点,可以应用于用电信息采集、智慧能源等多场景,作为解决“最后一公里”问题的有效传输模式,是组成电网信息物理系统的基础底层网络构件[2]。但与传统通信介质相比,电力线上各类电力负载的接入及其接入的变化就造成了复杂多变的电力线信道特性[3-4],影响电力线信道通信质量的特性有线路阻抗、噪声等[5],其中噪声是影响低压电力线载波通信质量的重要因素[6]。