罗 强
西南电子技术研究所,四川 成都610036
摘要: 随着卫星通信技术的发展,宽带频谱越来越少,提高频谱利用率就愈来愈重要,可变编码调制技术(VCM)就是一种解决方案。根据DVB-S2标准中对调制信号的格式的定义,当调制方式在QPSK、8PSK、16APSK、32APSK中切换时,帧头和导频仍然采用π/2BPSK进行调制,基于此提出了对导频和帧头部分进行高码率可变编码的载波同步和均衡处理,实现结果表明,能正常对不同调制方式进行解调,同时保证在不同调制方式进行切换时仍能稳定完成解调,测试结果表明解调性能偏离理论值小于3 dB,由于只采用了一种载波同步方法和均衡方法,实现方法简单,节省了FPGA资源。
中图分类号: TN927
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 罗强. 一种G比特可变编码调制的解调方法设计与实现[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(6):126-130.
英文引用格式: Luo Qiang. Design and implementation of a demodulation method of G-bit variable coding modulation[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(6):126-130.
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 罗强. 一种G比特可变编码调制的解调方法设计与实现[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(6):126-130.
英文引用格式: Luo Qiang. Design and implementation of a demodulation method of G-bit variable coding modulation[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(6):126-130.
Design and implementation of a demodulation method of G-bit variable coding modulation
Luo Qiang
Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China
Abstract: With the development of satellite communication technology, the broadband spectrum is becoming less and less, so it is more and more important to improve the spectrum efficiency. The variable code modulation technology is a solution. According to the definition of modulation signal format in DVB-S2 standard, when the modulation mode is switched in QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK, ?仔/2BPSK is still used for frame head and pilot. Based on this, a carrier synchronization and equalization processing based on pilot and frame header with variable coding rate is proposed. The results show that different modulation modes can be demodulated normally, while maintaining the same time. The test results show that the demodulation performance deviates from the theoretical value by less than 3 dB. Because only one carrier synchronization method and equalization method are used, which is simple and which saves the whole FPGA resource.
Key words : pilot;variable code modulation;FPGA implementation;high-speed data receiver
0 引言
伴随卫星通信技术应用的发展,频段资源越来越紧缺,提高频带利用率就越来越重要。提高卫星过境期间总的传输数据量可以通过提高调制阶数,从QPSK提高到8PSK,进而到16APSK和32APSK可以明显提高数据量,调制阶数越高对传输的载噪比要求就越高,而卫星过境期间的载噪比随着卫星仰角的不断增加而不断提高,过顶后仰角的不断减小而减小。2005年,欧洲电信标准化协会(European Telecommunication Standards Institute,ETSI)颁布了新一代数字卫星广播标准DVB_S2[1](Digital Video Broadcasting-Second Generation Satellite,第二代数字卫星广播标准)。在此标准中增加了可变编码调制(Variable Coding and Modulation,VCM),此种传输方式可以根据卫星仰角的不断改变相应地改变调制编码方式,在低仰角时采用QPSK调制方式,随着仰角的提高调制方式不断改变为8PSK和16APSK,在接近过顶时载噪比较高,可以采用32APSK调制方式,这种VCM方式既保证在低仰角时能够进行传输,又保证了高仰角时的数据传输速率。
传统的DVB_S2解调均是低码率的处理[2-3],针对符号速率达到500 MS/s的高码率的卫星接收处理方法并不多。
罗 强
(西南电子技术研究所,四川 成都610036)