信息技术与网络安全 7期
杨欣捷,田 蜜,江一鸣
摘要: 随着开源技术不断涌现,开源作为一种治理模式、经济模式和企业生态,变得越来越重要。关注开源项目的活跃程度,分析活跃度的变化情况,在一定层面上能够反映项目发展状态。通过梳理现有的开源项目活跃度模型,发现:第一,现有模型没有考虑项目类别,不能有效反映镜像类项目活跃度;第二,现有模型没有考虑活跃度趋势,不能有效反映阶段性活跃项目的整体活跃度。在此基础上构建和完善了活跃度模型,并以浦发银行开源治理平台为例,对模型进行了验证,为企业在开源项目的选择上提供一定的参考价值。
中图分类号: TP391
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.005
引用格式: 杨欣捷,田蜜,江一鸣. 开源项目活跃度模型构建及实证[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(7):27-33,51.
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.005
引用格式: 杨欣捷,田蜜,江一鸣. 开源项目活跃度模型构建及实证[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(7):27-33,51.
A model and empirical study on the activity of open source projects
Yang Xinjie,Tian Mi,Jiang Yiming
(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank,Shanghai 200000,China)
Abstract: With the emergence of open source technology, open source, as a governance model, economic model and enterprise ecology, is becoming more and more important. Analyzing the activity of open source projects and the changes of activity can reflect the development status of projects to a certain extent. By combing the existing open source project activity models, this paper finds that: first, the existing models do not consider the project category, they can not effectively reflect the activity of mirror projects. Second, the existing models do not consider the trend of activity, and they can not effectively reflect the overall activity of the stage active projects. On this basis, this paper constructs and improves the activity model. At the same time, the open source governance platform of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is taken as an example to verify the model, which provides a certain reference value for enterprises in the selection of open source projects.
Key words : open source; activity; open source community
0 引言
开源软件(Open Source Software,OSS)是一种源代码开放的软件,作为一种有效的软件开发模式,已经获得了极大的普及[1],为几乎所有领域的应用程序提供了动力。开源已经出现了一个大发展的趋势[2]。代码仓库与活跃用户数都在高速增长;项目覆盖面越来越广,占据着各领域的主要市场份额;参与开源的企业数量保持稳定增长并呈现主动开源趋势[3]。显然开源正以它开放共享、合作共赢的特点吞没着整个世界。
杨欣捷,田 蜜,江一鸣