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(中移物联网有限公司 解决方案部,重庆401120)
摘要: 无线数据传输终端又称为“工业领域的手机”,其数据传输原理与人们平常使用的手机是类似的。目前无线数据传输终端中常使用2G/4G网络传输数据。2G/4G网络存在带宽小、时延大以及接入终端量受限等问题,因此传统的数据传输终端不适用车联网和大型工控领域。将5G技术应用到DTU(Data Transfer Unit)中,设计了一个高可靠性的5G数据传输终端即5G-DTU。它的主处理器为Rockchip公司的RK1808芯片,集成了5G通信模组、WiFi模块和接口模块。因此5G-DTU能为外置设备提供2.4 G和5 G双频段的无线接入以及丰富的外设接口。最后通过测试证明了5G-DTU的高带宽、低延时和高可靠性。
中图分类号: TP368.2
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.08.013
引用格式: 吴必造,杨亚军,张辛波. 基于5G技术的高可靠数据传输终端的设计[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(8):78-83.
Design of highly reliable data transmission terminal based on 5G technology
Wu Bizao,Yang Yajun,Zhang Xinbo
(Solutions Group,China Mobile IoT Company Limited,Chongqing 401120,China)
Abstract: The wireless data transmission terminal is also called "the mobile phone in the industrial field", and its data transmission principle is similar to that of the mobile phones we usually use. The use of 2G/4G networks to transmit data is common in traditional data transmission units. 2G/4G networks have problems such as small bandwidth, large delay, and limited number of access terminals. Therefore, the traditional data transmission unit is not suitable for the Internet of Vehicles and large-scale industrial control fields. This paper innovatively combines 5G technology and DTU(Data Transfer Unit), to design a 5G data transmission terminal with high reliability, namely 5G-DTU. Its main processor is Rockchip′s RK1808 chip, which integrates 5G communication module, WiFi module and interface module. Therefore, 5G-DTU can provide 2.4 G and 5 G dual-band wireless access for external devices, and a wealth of peripheral interfaces. Finally, the test results show that the 5G-DTU has the characteristics of high data band, low time delay and high reliability.
Key words : data transfer unit;5G;microprocessor;high reliability

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随着国家全力推进5G网络建设,截止到2020年9月,国内已经建成了超过48万个的5G基站,5G用户超过6 000万,5G网络终端连接数量已经超过一亿[1-2]。随着5G网络的发展,5G行业的应用也应运而生,5G行业得到了蓬勃发展。





(中移物联网有限公司 解决方案部,重庆401120)
