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信息技术与网络安全 12期
(1.福州大学 物理与信息工程学院,福建 福州350116; 2.福州大学 微电子集成电路重点实验室,福建 福州350002)
摘要: 针对行人交通安全问题,开发行人检测系统以提醒行人和司机危险的发生。对目标检测神经网络模型进行分析和对比实验,选取以darknet为网络框架的YOLO-fastest模型进行改进优化并采用分类并标签的实时交通数据进行训练,最终将训练模型部署至开发板完成实时性检测并能够根据车辆速度反馈给行人危险信号。实验结果表明YOLO-fastest模型的平均检测精度为96.1%,检测速度为33 f/s,模型大小为1.2 MB,既满足检测精度又满足检测速度的要求,能够完成对真实交通场景下的实时性检测。
中图分类号: TP391.4;TP183
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.12.010
引用格式: 刘佳丽,黄世震,何恩德. 基于ARM和深度学习的智能行人预警系统[J].信息技术与网络安全,2021,40(12):60-64.
Intelligent pedestrian warning system based on ARM and deep learning
Liu Jiali1,Huang Shizhen1,2,He Ende2
(1.College of Physics and Information Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Microelectmnics and Integration Circuit,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350002,China)
Abstract: To address the problem of pedestrian traffic safety, a pedestrian detection system is developed to alert pedestrians and drivers to the danger of occurrence. The target detection neural network model is analyzed and compared with the experiments, and the YOLO-fastest model with darknet as the network framework is selected for improvement and optimization and trained with classified and labeled real-time traffic data. The training model is finally deployed to the development board to complete real-time detection and to provide pedestrian danger signals based on vehicle speed. The experimental results show that the average detection accuracy of YOLO-fastest model is 96.1%, the detection speed is 33 f/s, and the model size is 1.2 MB to meet the requirements of both detection accuracy and detection speed to complete the real-time detection of real traffic scenarios.
Key words : pedestrian safety;target detection;neural network;YOLO-fastest algorithm

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HOG(Histogram of Oriented Gradient)提出被检测的目标轮廓能够被光强梯度和边缘分布描述,SVM(Support Vector Machines)为二分类模型并可进行回归分析,通过将两种方法结合,使用HOG方法检测目标物体的边缘信息并提取特征SVM方法对目标物体区域进行筛选[1]实现了道路行人的检测;当今目标检测算法蓬勃发展,文献[2]中提出了一种基于改进的YOLOV3检测算法大大提高了对行人检测的精度并通过降低算法的复杂性和简化模型解决了长距离和小体积物体难以检测到的问题;文献[3]中提出了一种依据上下文信息和行人高宽比的特点改进的SSD行人检测方法,通过改进模型的整体框架和纵横比,生成浅层语义特征信息和深层语义特征信息以检测目标行人,提高了检测精度;HOG+SVM方法虽然能成功进行行人检测,但是对遮挡物体检测准确率极低以及不能完成对目标车辆的检测;基于YOLOV3网络模型检测的准确率很高,但是检测速度慢,不能达到实时性检测的要求;SSD属于轻量级检测模型,对于较大目标的检测可以满足要求,但对小目标物体(如较远处的车辆)的检测精度低且速度慢。




(1.福州大学 物理与信息工程学院,福建 福州350116;

2.福州大学 微电子集成电路重点实验室,福建 福州350002)
