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迈普通信技术股份有限公司 科技创新部,四川 成都610094
摘要: 当前使用门控循环单元(Gated Recurrent Units,GRU)神经网络进行流量预测时,普遍存在滞后性以及预测准确性不高的问题,因此提出一种改进的GRU模型进行流量预测的方法。首先基于GRU神经网络提出一种双向GRU神经网络和人工神经网络堆叠的网络模型,适用于流量特征、时间特征、事件特征等多维向量的输入;同时为解决部分时间段准确度不高的问题,将训练样本进行日期分类,针对每一类日期生成单独的网络模型,能大幅提升预测的准确度以及改善预测的滞后性。最后,为了提升流量峰值的预测准确度,采用样本的再平衡手段以及自定义损失函数,实验结果表明,能较好地达成预期目标。
中图分类号: TN919.2;TP181
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 徐海兵,郭久明. 基于双向GRU模型的网络流量预测的研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(2):19-22,27.
英文引用格式: Xu Haibing,Guo Jiuming. Research on network traffic prediction based on Bi-GRU model[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(2):19-22,27.
Research on network traffic prediction based on Bi-GRU model
Xu Haibing,Guo Jiuming
Technological Innovation Department,Maipu Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610094,China
Abstract: At present, there are some problems such as lag and low prediction accuracy when using gated recurrent units(GRU) neural network to predict traffic. This paper proposes an improved GRU model for traffic prediction. Firstly, based on GRU neural network, a network model integrating Bi-GRU neural network and artificial neural network is proposed, which satisfies the input of multi-dimensional vectors such as traffic features, time features and event features. At the same time, in order to improve the accuracy of some time periods, the training samples are classified into date classes, and a separate network model is generated for each type of date. It can greatly improve the accuracy of prediction and improve the lag of prediction. Finally, in order to improve the prediction accuracy of peak traffic, the experimental results show that the proposed goal can be achieved by the means of sample propensity balance and user-defined loss function.
Key words : traffic prediction;neural network;gated recurrent unit;loss function

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    随着网络的普及,网络流量的规模不断被刷新,高效且合理地利用网络资源变得尤为重要。一方面,网络资源分配的不合理可能导致部分网络资源由于耗尽而无法正常使用,甚至造成网络瘫痪,而其他链路资源可能却处于过剩的状态,严重影响了用户的上网体验;另一方面,虽然在前期合理分配了网络资源,但网络流量具有突发性,原本充足的网络资源可能出现短缺的情况。为了解决此问题,现有软件定义网络(Software Defined Network,SDN)[1]控制器会实时检查链路状况,在一定程度上缓解了网络拥塞,但由于调度时已经发生了拥塞,无法满足更高等级、更好服务质量的要求。鉴于此,如果能够精准预测网络流量,提前发现未来时刻的网络流量变化情况,流量调度系统则可以提前进行合理调度,有效避免拥塞的发生。




(迈普通信技术股份有限公司 科技创新部,四川 成都610094)

