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任吉宏1,2,刘 畅1,2
1.中国科学院 空天信息创新研究院,北京 100190; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
摘要: 有监督的极化合成孔径雷达(极化SAR)图像地物分类任务需要像素级人工标注,如何减少其对大量精确标注样本的依赖是目前的一个研究重点。极化SAR图像的空间邻域内存在信息冗余和特征相关性,充分利用空间邻域信息有助于提升样本特征的判别性和鲁棒性。通过引入基于极化统计HSV颜色特征的自适应超像素聚类算法,提出一种借助邻域相关性的样本特征增强方法。实验结果表明该方法可以在仅有少量标注样本的条件下提升分类结果的鲁棒性和准确率。
中图分类号: TN958文献标识码: ADOI:10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222808

中文引用格式: 任吉宏,刘畅. 基于自适应超像素的少样本极化SAR图像特征增强方法研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(10):144-149.
英文引用格式: Ren Jihong, Liu Chang. An adaptive superpixel-based polarimetric feature enhancement method for polarimetric SAR image classification with limited labeled data[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):144-149.
An adaptive superpixel-based polarimetric feature enhancement method for polarimetric SAR image classification with limited labeled data
Ren Jihong1,2,Liu Chang1,2
1.Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: The performance of supervised Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) image terrain classification heavily relies on ground-truth samples, which could be a problem when the sample size is small or few labels are imprecise. Since PolSAR image has spatial and spectral information redundancy, spatial neighborhood information can improve the discriminative and robustness of sample features. In this paper, a polarimetric feature enhancement method is proposed for improving the robustness of data representation. With the help of a statistical polarimetric HSV color space pseudo-color image generation method and an adaptive superpixel clustering algorithm, the enhanced feature of each sample can be obtained from both the original sample feature and its corresponding superpixel. Experiments with the benchmark datasets show that the proposed method can improve the robustness and accuracy of classification results with a small size of ground-truth samples.
Key words : Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR); terrain classification; superpixel; polarimetric feature enhancement

0 引言

    合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)作为一种具有主动微波成像能力的遥感监测手段,可以实现全天时全天候高分辨率持续对地观测。极化SAR采用多通道多极化的工作模式,可以捕获地表目标丰富的物理散射特性[1],因此在目标检测[2]、变化检测[3]、地物目标分类[4]等SAR图像解译任务中发挥重要作用。地物分类作为极化SAR图像的一项基本解译任务,可以为农林监测[5]、灾害定位[6]、地质勘探[7]等遥感观测实际应用提供重要判据。

    基于数据驱动的极化SAR图像地物分类方法包括有监督、无监督和半监督等分类器学习方式。有监督学习借助标注样本学习特征空间,包括Wishart、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)、随机森林(Random Forests, RF)等分类器。无监督学习根据样本特征相似性划分特征空间,其中,H/α分类通过极化统计特征区分典型地物散射类别。针对极化SAR图像的成像机理,基于极化信息的散射特征可以有效利用物理散射特征实现同质区域聚类[8-10]



任吉宏1,2,刘  畅1,2

(1.中国科学院 空天信息创新研究院,北京 100190;

2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049) 

