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李赣华1,2,樊恒海1,2,董 黎1,2,邰能建1,2
1.国家宇航动力学实验室,陕西 西安710043;2.西安卫星测控中心,陕西 西安710043
摘要: 针对地面航天器数据中心多型号软件系统构建,提出了一种基于多维矩阵式软件库的快速定制构建方法。首先,分析了航天数据中心系统的整体结构,提出了可以满足云计算应用的多态多层兼容复杂结构;其次,介绍了适应航天数据中心的硬件系统微模块机房部署方式,提出了操作使用与操作场地分离、软件系统与硬件系统解耦的架构设计;最后,提出了一种矩阵式定制化动态调度软件库,实现按需求灵活定制组建新应用系统、快速加载卸载应用系统的能力,并介绍了按需快速生成和动态加载卸载的流程。系统满足了航天数据中心多系列多卫星地面数据处理系统构建的任务要求,有效降低了系统开发成本,减少了系统运维工作。
中图分类号: TN820.4
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 李赣华,樊恒海,董黎,等. 基于矩阵式软件库的航天系统快速构建[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(11):79-83.
英文引用格式: Li Ganhua,Fan Henghai,Dong Li,et al. The rapid construction of space system based on matrix software library[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(11):79-83.
The rapid construction of space system based on matrix software library
Li Ganhua1,2,Fan Henghai1,2,Dong Li1,2,Tai Nengjian1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Astronautic Dynamics,Xi′an 710043,China; 2.Xi′an Satellite Control Center,Xi′an 710043,China
Abstract: This paper presented a fast custom made method based on multi-dimensional matrix type software library for the multi-model software construction of space data process center. Firstly, the architecture is introduced for the space data process center system, that is multi-layer and multi-state complex structure satisfied with cloud computation. Secondly, the deployment mode of micro module room is introduced adapt to the computer hardware of the space data process center. And the structure of the system is presented to divide the operation with the operation place, to divide the software management with hardware management. At last, a matrix type dynamic custom software library is presented, which could construct the new application flexibly and customizably, load and unload the satellite management system mirror file quickly. And the process flow of the operation is also introduced for quick generation and management. This method satisfied with the multi-series and the multi-satellite mission requirement of space data process center. The system development cost is reduced effectively and efficiently. And the system operation and maintenance are reduced obviously.
Key words : complex system;software pipeline;space data center;software library

0 引言

    近年来,我国航天工业尤其是商业航天的发展速度很快,面向民商轨航天器数量井喷式增长。面对每年型号多样、数量较多的卫星数据处理,航天地面数据处理中心系统的功能很多、组成复杂,硬件系统数量不断上升,软件建设耗费人力和经费数量巨大,面向未来大量不断增加的在轨航天器,地面数据处理中心如何对主要分系统进行梳理分类,充分利用已经过充分验证的在用系统模块,结合在用模块配置更改和少量模块研发,快速构建新上卫星的地面数据处理系统,将是满足未来民用和商用卫星数量增加,降低成本的关键技术问题。基于类统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML),本文提出一个利用矩阵式软件库快速组建新的卫星数据处理系统,对应用软件和部署硬件进行解耦分离,实现在用系统不中断情况下快速构建新增卫星任务系统的方法。



李赣华1,2,樊恒海1,2,董  黎1,2,邰能建1,2

(1.国家宇航动力学实验室,陕西 西安710043;2.西安卫星测控中心,陕西 西安710043)

