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西安北方光电科技防务有限公司,陕西 西安 710043
摘要: 导引头位置标定系统是一种框架类测角装置,其内环组件的静平衡度直接决定产品性能的稳定。充分利用压力传感器的优势,通过HX711进行模数转换、数据采集,将采集的结果显示在液晶显示屏上,并对数据分析处理,设计了一款自动测量导引头位置标定系统内框架静平衡的装置。该装置通过内嵌的4个压力传感器,实现产品内框架在平衡刀架上放置时,若产品不平衡,由于重力的作用,内框架某一端会压在平衡装置上,通过显示压力值的大小,利用最小二乘法拟合,实现压力值与产品增减垫片厚度值的关系式,并验证关系式的一般性,实现一次计算即可实现某导引头位置标定系统内框架静平衡的准确调试。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223691
中文引用格式: 马军伟,刘娜娜,程四化,等. 一种框架类测角装置内环组件静平衡调试方法[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(2):50-54.
英文引用格式: Ma Junwei,Liu Nana,Cheng Sihua,et al. Astatic balance debugging method for inner ring assembly of frame type angle measuring device[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(2):50-54.
Astatic balance debugging method for inner ring assembly of frame type angle measuring device
Ma Junwei,Liu Nana,Cheng Sihua,Zang Qi
Xi′an North Electro-optic Science &Technology Defense Co., Ltd., Xi′an 710043, China
Abstract: The seeker position calibration system is a frame type angle measuring device, and the static balance of its inner ring components directly determines the stability of the product performance. This paper makes full use of the advantages of the pressure sensor, carries out analog-to-digital conversion and data acquisition through HX711, displays the collected results on the LCD screen, and analyzes and processes the data. A device that automatically measures the static balance of the frame in the seeker position calibration system is designed. The device uses four embedded pressure sensors to realize that if the product is unbalanced when placing the inner frame of the product on the balancing tool rest, one end of the inner frame will press on the balancing device due to gravity. By displaying the size of the pressure value and fitting with the least square method, the relationship between the pressure value and the thickness of the increased or decreased shims of the product is realized, and the universality of the relationship is verified. One calculation can realize the accurate adjustment of the static balance of the frame in the seeker position calibration system.
Key words : pressure sensor;balance;A/D conversion;debugging

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    本文针对某型导引头位置标定系统内环组件静平衡的调试,设计了一款静平衡测量装置,方案采用HX711[2],其内部集成24位A/D模块并具有放大电路,可以处理接收到的小信号,该测试仪精度可达到0.01 g,满足产品调试需求。




(西安北方光电科技防务有限公司,陕西 西安 710043)

