您所在的位置:首页 > 可编程逻辑 > 设计应用 > 基于以太网的FPGA远程调试系统设计
1.无锡华普微电子有限公司,江苏 无锡 214000;2.中科芯集成电路有限公司,江苏 无锡 214000
摘要: 基于FPGA主控制器的系统,由于其高度定制化的特点,程序版本一旦固定,后期维护调试极其困难。系统采用FPGA MicroBlaze软核处理器实现TCP/IP协议栈,通过以太网传输升级文件,实现FPGA模块的实时在线更新,完成远程调试所需的远程指令注入和数据远程上传。该系统通过以太网方式,能够脱离传统的调试方法,在设备现场人工不参与的情况下实现远程设备调试,减少了维护成本。采用该方法的系统具有可靠、配置速度快、无需重启等特点,也可用于云计算、实时仿真等其他方向。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223113
中文引用格式: 官剑,钱雪磊,韩留军,等. 基于以太网的FPGA远程调试系统设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(2):115-120.
英文引用格式: Guan Jian,Qian Xuelei,Han Liujun,et al. Design of FPGA remote debugging system based on Internet[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(2):115-120.
Design of FPGA remote debugging system based on Internet
Guan Jian1,Qian Xuelei2,Han Liujun1,Xue Pei1,Shao Chunwei1
1.Wuxi Hope Microelectronics Co., Ltd.,Wuxi 214000, China; 2.China Key System&Integrated Circuit Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214000, China
Abstract: Due to highly customized feature, once the program of FPGA system is fixed, it is extremely difficult to keep maintenance. The system uses MicroBlaze processor to implement TCP/IP protocol stack, realizes the real-time online update of modules in FPGA system by upgrading files through Internet, and completes remote command injection and data upload for remote debugging. Based on ethernet mode, the system can be separated from the traditional debugging method, realize remote equipment debugging without manual participation on the equipment site, and reduce maintenance costs. The system has the characteristics of reliability, fast configuration, and no need to restart using this method, and can also be used in other directions such as cloud computing and real-time simulation.
Key words : FPGA;remote debugging;Internet;industrial control;dynamic reconfigurable

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    (2)采用FPGA内置的MicroBlaze或者ZYNQ系列的ARM对FPGA进行全局动态重构[4]。该方法较灵活,成本较低,但是该方法为全局重构方式[5],对Flash大小有限制,同时全局重构方式是采用存储于Flash update空间中的bin文件来完成FPGA更新功能,该bin文件所对应的待更新FPGA程序为正式版程序,不适合远程调试时而使用的中间版调试程序。





(1.无锡华普微电子有限公司,江苏 无锡 214000;2.中科芯集成电路有限公司,江苏 无锡 214000)

