王 壮,许海鹰,杨 波,桑兴华,张 伟
(1.中国航空制造技术研究院 高能束流发生器实验室 北京 100024; 2.北京航空航天大学 机械工程及自动化学院 北京 100191)
摘要: 为了获得稳定的电子束流输出,提高电子束选区熔化成形质量,研制了一套基于DSP的电子束选区熔化束流调控系统。使用DSP的通用定时器和比较寄存器产生频率为20 kHz、占空比与死区时间可调的PWM脉冲;设计高压、束流信号反馈采样电路;DSP采用积分分离PID控制算法实现束流的快速调节和闭环调控。试验结果表明该控制系统所控制的电子枪在带载时最大束流达到150 mA,高压、灯丝加热电流给定时,随着偏压降低,束流逐渐增大,实现了稳定的束流输出。
中图分类号:TM924.16;TG439.3 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223632
中文引用格式: 王壮,许海鹰,杨波,等. 基于DSP的电子束选区熔化束流调控系统的研制[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):130-134.
英文引用格式: Wang Zhuang,Xu Haiying,Yang Bo,et al. Development of beam current control system based on DSP for electron beam selective melting[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):130-134.
中文引用格式: 王壮,许海鹰,杨波,等. 基于DSP的电子束选区熔化束流调控系统的研制[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):130-134.
英文引用格式: Wang Zhuang,Xu Haiying,Yang Bo,et al. Development of beam current control system based on DSP for electron beam selective melting[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):130-134.
Development of beam current control system based on DSP for electron beam selective melting
Wang Zhuang1,Xu Haiying1,Yang Bo1,Sang Xinghua1,Zhang Wei2
(1.Science and Technology on Power Beam Processes Laboratory,Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Beijing 100024,China; 2.School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100191,China)
Abstract: In order to obtain stable electron beam output and improve the quality of electron beam selective melting, a set of electron beam selective melting beam control system based on DSP was developed. DSP's general timer and comparison register are used to generate PWM pulses with a frequency of 20 kHz and adjustable duty cycle and dead time; a feedback sampling circuit for high-voltage and beam current signals is designed; DSP uses integral separation PID control algorithm to achieve rapid beam current adjustment and closed-loop control. The test results show that the maximum beam current of the electron gun controlled by the control system reaches 150 mA under load. When the high voltage and the heating current of the filament are given, the beam current gradually increases with the decrease of the bias voltage,and a stable beam current output is realized.
Key words : DSP;electron beam;selective melting;beam control;biased power supply;digital control
0 引言
为了提高电子束流输出的稳定性,研制了一套基于DSP的电子束选区熔化束流调控系统,用于控制60 kV/9 kW逆变式电子束选区熔化设备束流调控。首先介绍了束流调控电路在电子束流发生系统中所起到的作用,然后介绍基于DSP的电子束选区熔化束流调控系统的组成及控制方法,最后配合60 kV/9 kW电子枪及高压电源进行验证,结果表明所研制系统可以实现稳定的电子束流输出。
(1.中国航空制造技术研究院 高能束流发生器实验室 北京 100024;2.北京航空航天大学 机械工程及自动化学院 北京 100191)