中图分类号:TD672 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234698 中文引用格式: 王磊,黄晴,尚伟栋,等. 面向微服务架构的煤矿生产监控数据采集系统设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):31-37. 英文引用格式: Wang Lei,Huang Qing,Shang Weidong,et al. Design of coal mine production monitoring data collection system based on microservice architecture[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):31-37.
Design of coal mine production monitoring data collection system based on microservice architecture
Wang Lei1,Huang Qing2,3,Shang Weidong1,Chang Yanhui1,Zhang Xiaoxia2,3
1.Shanxi Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mining Co..Ltd.,Jincheng048016,China;2.Research Institute of Mine Big Data, Chinese Institute of Coal Science, Beijing100000, China;3.Tiandi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing100000, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problems existing in the current coal mine monitoring data acquisition system, such as inconsistent data coding standards, poor single system operation reliability, data visualization tools that do not support the Web mode and the host cannot be switched intelligently, based on the industrial internet platform technology system, the front and rear end separation and Restful API interface access technologies are used to integrate Internet open source reports and other components, Research and design a microservices oriented coal mine production monitoring data acquisition system, introduce the existing problems of the current coal mine monitoring data acquisition system, complete the architecture design of the microservices oriented coal mine monitoring data acquisition system, and specifically elaborate the key technologies such as data unified standardization, single channel acquisition microservices processing, data service status monitoring and data and information visualization components. The coal mine production monitoring data acquisition system has been verified in Shanxi Tiandi Wangpo Coal Mine. The application results show that the data model is designed according to the unified standard specifications, and the coal mine production monitoring data acquisition and monitoring are realized through the deployment and operation of data acquisition, data service, visualization and other application microservices, which provides important data support and basic support for other applications in the coal mine. At the same time, the operation mode of microservices improves the operation and maintenance efficiency of coal mine system maintenance personnel.
Key words : micro service;industrial internet platform;single system;Restful API;front and rear end separation
数据采集问题是推动煤炭行业智能化的关键环节,众多学者和企业对此开展了研究与实践。贺耀宜[6]等提出采用OID编码技术实现煤矿设备的对象标志方案,实现设备统一数据编码;采用主备方式采集设备数据,主链路正常时,备链路仅保持连接而不传数据,同时对路由协议进行优化,实现路由自发现和故障自恢复,从而保证链路的稳定可靠。孟光伟[7]提出了数据采集平台提供统一的SDK,让应用通过SDK编码获取采集数据进行可视化。李国民等[8]提出将协议封装为驱动动态链接库(Dynamic Link Library,DLL),通过采用单体进程开辟多线程加载适配协议驱动的方式实现各业务系统的数据采集。杜毅博等[9]提出自己的设备编码规则,便于后期处理过程中的数据关联分析;提出应用基于面向服务架构(SOA),调用Restful和RPC协议,研发定制化数据报表系统实现应用界面与业务逻辑的数据快速展示。