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1 南京大学 法学院,江苏南京210046;2 伦敦政治经济学院法学院,英国伦敦WC2A 2AE; 3 东北农业大学文理学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150030
摘要: 探讨了生成式人工智能如ChatGPT在训练数据方面的法律风险与规制问题。首先分析了生成式人工智能在数据来源、歧视倾向、数据质量以及安全风险等方面的问题,通过对中欧法律体系的比较研究,建议明确界定治理原则,并针对数据合规性制定完善路径。最后,从具体措施层面,对中国现行的法律规制提出了具体的完善建议,为生成式人工智能的健康发展与法律规制提供有益参考。
Legal regulation and enhancement path for mitigating risks in training
Xing Luyuan1,Shen Xinyi2,Wang Jiayi3
1 School of Law, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China; 2 School of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, London WC2A 2AE, England;3 School of Arts and Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
Abstract: This article discusses the legal risks and regulatory issues of generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT in training data. It begins by analyzing issues related to the sources of data, tendencies towards discrimination, data quality, and security risks in generative AI. Subsequently, the article undertakes a comparative study of Chinese and European legal systems, proposing the clear definition of governance principles and the development of comprehensive pathways for data compliance. Finally, the article offers specific recommendations from a practical standpoint for the improvement of the current legal regulations in China. These suggestions are intended to serve as proper references for the healthy development and legal regulation of generative artificial intelligence.
Key words : generative AI; artificial intelligence act; training data risks; data compliance

生成式人工智能中的训练数据风险不同于以往仅能进行分类、预测或实现特定功能的模型,生成式人工智能大模型(Large Generative AI Models,LGAIMs)经过训练可生成新的文本、图像或音频等内容,且具有强大的涌现特性和泛化能力[1]。训练数据表示为概率分布,LGAIMs可以实现自行学习训练数据中的模式和关系,可以生成训练数据集之外的内容[2]。同时,LGAIMs与用户之间进行人机交互所产生的数据还会被用于大模型的迭代训练。LGAIMs的开发者往往需要使用互联网上公开的数据以及和用户的交互数据作为训练数据,而这些数据可能存在诸多合规风险,例如数据来源风险、歧视风险和质量风险。



(1 南京大学 法学院,江苏南京210046;2 伦敦政治经济学院法学院,英国伦敦WC2A 2AE;

3 东北农业大学文理学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150030)


