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1.哈尔滨工程大学 烟台研究院;2.海军航空大学; 3.海洋电磁探测与控制湖北省重点实验室; 4.武汉第二船舶设计研究所
摘要: 机动目标跟踪结果在时间轴上的滞后问题是当前机动目标跟踪领域的一大难点。产生时滞的情况很多,一般在跟踪初期和发生较大机动的时间段内尤为明显,常常会因此出现误差高峰。如果能有方法抑制或者消除时滞现象,将能显著提高跟踪效果。从仿真实验的结果和现象入手,结合卡尔曼滤波理论、交互式多模型算法和现代神经网络模型对时滞问题进行剖析,根据跟踪各个阶段情况的变化,分析时滞产生的不同原因,并提出可能的解决方法,以期为提高机动目标跟踪效果提供参考。
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245319
中文引用格式: 李暐琪,柳超,曹政,等. 机动目标跟踪时滞问题分析[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(7):1-6.
英文引用格式: Li Weiqi,Liu Chao,Cao Zheng,et al. Analysis of the time delay problem of maneuvering target tracking[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(7):1-6.
Analysis of the time delay problem of maneuvering target tracking
Li Weiqi1,Liu Chao2,Cao Zheng2,Zhang Yanmin3,4,Xue Wei1
1.Yantai Research Institute, Harbin Engineering University; 2.Naval Aviation University; 3.Hubei Key Laboratory of Marine Electromagnetic Detection and Control; 4.Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute
Abstract: The lag of maneuvering target tracking results on the time axis is a major difficulty in the field of maneuvering target tracking. There are many cases of time delay, which are especially obvious in the early stage of tracking and the time period when a large maneuver occurs, and there is often a peak of error because of this, if there is a way to suppress or eliminate the time delay phenomenon, the tracking effect will be significantly improved. Starting from the results and phenomena of simulation experiments, combined with Kalman filter theory, interactive multi-model algorithm and modern neural network model, this paper will deeply analyze the time delay problem, and obtain different causes of time delay according to the changes of each stage of tracking and give corresponding solutions, so as to provide reference for improving the tracking effect of maneuvering targets in the future.
Key words : maneuvering target tracking;time lag;Kalman filter;interactive multi-model;neural networks


随着雷达信号处理技术的飞速发展,机动目标跟踪技术也有了显著进步,并且在军事和民用方面都得到了广泛应用。虽然近年来机动目标跟踪的精度不断提高,但是为了应对跟踪环境的日益复杂化和目标机动性能的快速提高,如何构建更加高效的运动模型以及优化目标跟踪算法仍然是学者们持续努力的方向。在此方面,文献[1]总结了大量机动目标运动模型,并且讨论了各个模型的优缺点和相互之间的关系。文献[2]提出了一种基于当前统计模型的机动目标自适应跟踪算法,能够根据目标加速度的变化自适应地改变过程噪声,相比传统机动目标跟踪算法,跟踪精度明显提高。文献[3]提出了一种基于粒子滤波的具有反馈学习项的交互式多模型粒子滤波(Interactive Multi-Model Particle Filter, IMMPF)算法,滤波效果优于原IMMPF算法。文献[4]提出了一种基于长短期记忆神经网络(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM)的自适应跟踪算法,将现代神经网络模型与传统滤波算法相结合,能有效识别目标的运动状态,具有较强的自适应能力。





(1.哈尔滨工程大学 烟台研究院, 山东 烟台 264001;

2.海军航空大学, 山东 烟台 264001;

3.海洋电磁探测与控制湖北省重点实验室, 湖北 武汉 430071;

4.武汉第二船舶设计研究所, 湖北 武汉 430064)

