Design and implementation of SCADA system for urban gas pipeline network based on PKS
Lin Hao, Li Huimin, Ma Da, Qi Tao
Intelligence Technology of CEC Co.,Ltd.
Abstract: With the iteratively updating of science and technology, SCADA system has been widely used because of its unique functionality, in particular, it has greatly promoted the construction of natural gas pipelines in China. Taking the renovation project of gas system in a certain city as a sample, this paper introduces the application of domestic SCADA system in the natural gas pipeline network, and detailly explores the localization in terms of monitoring layer,control layer and network layer of natural gas pipeline system. Practice has proved that the domestic natural gas system can solve the problems of weak defense capability and potential network security hazards of the natural gas system from the source by using localized equipments for core chips, operating systems, software platforms, network protection and so on.It has greatly improved the production efficiency, and reduced the deployment cost of the system.
Key words : domesticization; SCADA; urban gas pipeline