您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > Virtuoso iQuantus Insight及Quantus Insight流程在FINFET先进工艺项目中加速后仿迭代的应用
Virtuoso iQuantus Insight及Quantus Insight流程在FINFET先进工艺项目中加速后仿迭代的应用
1.深圳市中兴微电子技术有限公司; 2.移动网络和移动多媒体技术国家重点实验室; 3.上海楷登电子科技有限公司
摘要: 随着工艺演进,尺寸进一步缩小带来了更多寄生通路和更大的寄生电阻,后仿结果和前仿相去甚远。如何快速缩小前后仿之间的差距成为重要课题。传统设计中只能通过Quantus Extracted View相对直观地对寄生进行分析,无法更详细地进行分析,这成为设计者们面临的艰巨挑战。同时,后仿发现问题,只能通过“修改电路-版图迭代-再次后仿”反复优化,迭代周期长,如何降低时间成本成为各公司关注的重点。Virtuoso iQuantus Insight (ViQI)/Quantus Insight (QI)可基于寄生网表文件进行寄生分析及结果可视化。工程师可借此对寄生进行准确的分析及假设,无需版图迭代,即可进行设计优化。讨论了如何通过ViQI/QI工具在FINFET先进工艺项目中实现快速的后仿迭代,大幅提高工作效率。
中图分类号:TN402 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.240804
中文引用格式: 李祉怡,孙航,丁学伟,等. Virtuoso iQuantus Insight及Quantus Insight流程在FINFET先进工艺项目中加速后仿迭代的应用[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(8):26-31.
英文引用格式: Li Zhiyi,Sun Hang,Ding Xuewei,et al. Application of Virtuoso iQuantus Insight and Quantus Insight Flow on FINFET advance processes to accelerate post-simulation iteration[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):26-31.
Application of Virtuoso iQuantus Insight and Quantus Insight Flow on FINFET advance processes to accelerate post-simulation iteration
Li Zhiyi1,2,Sun Hang1,2,Ding Xuewei1,2,Zhang Huili3,Zeng Yi3
1.Sanechips Technology Co., Ltd.; 2.State Key Laboratory of Mobile Network and Mobile Multimedia Technology; 3.Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Abstract: With the evolution of process, the continuous scaling of size introduced more parasitic paths and larger parasitic resistors, causing great differences between the results of post-simulaion and pre-simulation. How to quickly narrow the gap between post-simulation results and pre-simulation results becomes an improtant topic. In traditional design, parasite can only be analyzed through tools like Quantus Extracted View, and the results cannot be displayed in more detail. How to better analyze the parasitic netlist has become a great challange. In addition, after problems found in post-simulation, the design can only be optimized by an iteration process of modifying the circuit design-modifying the layout design-redo the post-simulation. This iteration process is a long period, how to reduce the iteration time cost becomes a key issue for design companies. Virtuoso iQuantus Insight (ViQI)/Quantus Insight (QI) can do accurate parasitic analysis and visuallization based on the parasitic netlist file. Engineers can use this to accurately analyze parasitic parameters, and assume the parasitic values to optimize the design without layout modification. This article describes how to fast iterate the circuit design using ViQI/QI, and so greatly improve work efficiency.
Key words : Virtuoso iQuantus Insight;Quantus Insight;post-simulation netlist analyzing;parasitic What-if;fast iteration


半导体技术不断发展,随着集成度的提高,工艺节点不断缩小,越来越多的设计进入了7 nm、5 nm甚至更低的节点,制造难度的成倍增长导致设计规则检查(Design Rule Chek, DRC)越发复杂,寄生效应对集成电路设计性能的影响日益深远。为考虑寄生效应对性能的影响,电路工程师会在设计中加上预设的寄生电阻电容进行前仿验证。然而版图中复杂的寄生通路使得从版图设计提取得到的寄生网表中包含大量寄生RC参数,这些寄生RC与电路中预设的值往往存在不小的差距,复杂的寄生RC网络使版图设计后仿真的性能结果无法达到电路前仿预期的结果。



图1 模拟电路设计流程图


本文将讨论如何使用Cadence公司的Virtuoso iQuantus Insight (ViQI)/Quantus Insight (QI)工具对版图寄生网表中的寄生电阻、寄生电容进行分析,直观地查看关键信号路径上的寄生数值是否满足预期,了解寄生电阻、电容在各金属层的分布情况并在版图中对应位置上显示,帮助设计师快速找到薄弱点,同时可通过寄生假设(What-if)功能对薄弱点寄生进行修改,确保电路设计及版图设计可进行针对性的快速迭代





(1.深圳市中兴微电子技术有限公司,广东 深圳 518055;

2.移动网络和移动多媒体技术国家重点实验室,广东 深圳 518055;


