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摘要: 针对国内某集群系统采用准相干解调时遇到的频率同步问题,进行研究讨论并提出解决方案。由于准相干解调对系统收发的频率同步精度要求非常高,采用常规的频偏估计补偿思路难以满足要求,从而使得准相干解调的性能优势无法体现。针对此问题,提出了一种分段相位跟踪算法:通过对频偏补偿后残留频偏引起的大相位误差进行分段相位跟踪并补偿的方式,来降低残留频偏对系统解调性能的影响,所得解调性能与理想频率同步下的性能基本一致。所提算法尤其适用于频偏估计误差较大的系统。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245420
中文引用格式: 秦晴,才智,乐志炜. 一种数字集群系统中GMSK信号的相偏跟踪算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(8):67-70.
英文引用格式: Qin Qing,Cai Zhi,Le Zhiwei. A phase offset tracking algorithm for GMSK signal in digital trunking system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):67-70.
A phase offset tracking algorithm for GMSK signal in digital trunking system
Qin Qing1,Cai Zhi2,Le Zhiwei1
1.Zhejiang Provincial Corps of the Chinese People′s Armed Police Force; 2.Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Abstract: In this paper, the frequency synchronization problem encountered by a domestic trunking system using quasi-coherent demodulation is studied and discussed, and the solution is proposed. Because quasi-coherent demodulation requires very high frequency synchronization accuracy of transceiver systems, it is difficult to meet the requirements by using conventional frequency offset estimation and compensation scheme, which makes the performance advantages of quasi-coherent demodulation unable to be reflected. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a segmented phase tracking algorithm. By tracking and compensating the large phase error caused by residual frequency offset after frequency offset compensation, the influence of residual frequency offset on the demodulation performance of the system is reduced, and the obtained demodulation performance is basically consistent with the performance under ideal frequency synchronization. The algorithm proposed in this paper is especially suitable for systems with large frequency offset estimation errors.
Key words : Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK);digital trunking;quasi-coherent demodulation;frequency offset estimation;phase tracking


高斯最小频移键控(Gaussian Filtered Minimum Shift Keying, GMSK) [1]作为一种恒包络调制,其相位连续、谱密度集中,具有良好的功率效率和频谱利用率,其在蜂窝通信[2]、卫星通信[3]和数字集群[4]等系统中得到了广泛应用。GMSK是一种非线性调制,接收处理相当复杂[5]。Laurent[6-7]提出了GMSK信号可以分解为有限个脉冲幅度信号的组合,通过这种线性分解的方法,使其能够采用与线性调制类似的方式进行接收处理,大大降低了系统接收处理的复杂度。

GMSK有相干[8]和非相干[9]两种解调方式。与非相干解调相比,相干解调可以获得更好的性能,但对频率同步的精度要求也更高[10-11]。然而在信噪比较低时,往往很难获得较高的频偏估计精度。蔡凡等[12]提出了一种用于数字集群系统GMSK调制信号的频偏估计方法。首先,通过导频获得初始频偏估计,然后利用训练序列进行频偏搜索估计。其结论为:信噪比为6~9 dB时,频偏估计误差与符号时间的乘积小于5×10-4,即在16 ks/s符号率下,通过进一步频率搜索检测得到的剩余频偏最高接近8 Hz,而文中假设导频估计的残留频偏值为9 Hz。可见,在信噪比较低时,通过频率搜索的方式无法获得较高的频偏估计精度。同时,本文所考虑的集群系统中,其训练序列更短、解调性能要求更高,因此采用此方案无法满足系统对频率同步精度的要求。






(1.武警浙江总队,浙江 杭州 310020;

2.南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京 210016)

