您所在的位置:首页 > 微波|射频 > 设计应用 > 一种低剖面低RCS磁电偶极子天线阵列的设计
1.南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院; 2.近程射频感知芯片与微系统教育部重点实验室
摘要: 设计了一种低剖面宽带低RCS磁电偶极子阵列。从辐射散射联合特性的角度研究天线单元的谐振特性,构造出具有相同辐射性能、对交叉极化来波反射相位接近反相的两种不同单元。在主极化方向采用同一单元和SIW差分馈电构造宽带匹配的子阵,带内良好匹配实现对主极化波的低散射;再通过将子阵镜像布阵实现对于交叉极化来波的散射相消,从而有效缩减天线RCS。该天线工作频带为26.77~34.35 GHz(24.8%),峰值增益为17.7 dBi。与采用同一类型单元的参考阵列对比,所提磁电偶极子阵列在22.5~34.5 GHz范围实现了-10 dB交叉极化RCS缩减,并且辐射频带内没有明显的增益损失。
中图分类号:TN82 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245394
中文引用格式: 刘丰铭,汪敏,王杰传,等. 一种低剖面低RCS磁电偶极子天线阵列的设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(9):31-35.
英文引用格式: Liu Fengming,Wang Min,Wang Jiechuan,et al. The design of a low profile and low RCS magneto-electric dipole antenna array[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(9):31-35.
The design of a low profile and low RCS magneto-electric dipole antenna array
Liu Fengming1,2,Wang Min1,2,Wang Jiechuan1,2,Wu Hao1,2,Wu Wen1,2
1.School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology; 2.Key Laboratory of Near-Range RF Sensing ICs & Microsystems(NJUST), Ministry of Education
Abstract: A low-profile, wideband, low Radar Cross Section (RCS) magneto-electric dipole array antenna is designed in this paper. The resonant characteristics of the antenna unit are studied from the perspective of radiation and scattering coupling, resulting in the construction of two different units with similar radiation performance but nearly opposite phase reflections for the cross-polarized incident waves. A wideband-matched sub-array with low scattering for the main polarized wave is formed by using the same unit and SIW differential feeding in the main polarization direction. Subsequently, the scattering phase cancellation for the cross-polarized incident waves is achieved by deploying the sub-array in a mirrored configuration, effectively reducing the RCS of the antenna. The antenna operates in the frequency range of 26.77 GHz to 34.35 GHz (24.8%) with a peak gain of 17.7 dBi. Compared with the reference array using the same type of unit, the proposed magnetoelectric dipole array achieves a reduction of -10 dB in cross-polarization RCS from 22.5 GHz to 34.5 GHz, without significant gain loss within the radiation band.
Key words : magneto-electric dipole antenna;RCS reduction;wideband antenna;low profile;differential feeding;SIW


近年来,机载平台的雷达散射截面(Radar Cross Section,RCS)缩减问题引起了广泛关注[1]。在特定频谱、入射角范围和极化条件下降低RCS对机载天线阵列的研发提出了新的挑战,这一要求在保持其辐射性能的前提下显得尤为重要。

当前正在研究多种技术来降低天线的RCS。例如,超表面在减少RCS方面受到了广泛关注,由于其在调控电磁波的幅度、相位和极化方面具有特性。用于减少RCS的典型超表面包括人造磁导体(Artificial Magnetic Conductor,AMC)[2-3]、频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface,FSS)[4]、电磁带隙(Electromagnetic Band-Gap,EBG)[5]等诸多结构。然而,加载超表面会在现有天线阵列中引入额外的结构,增加天线剖面的同时降低了其增益或阻抗带宽,过高的剖面会增大风阻,不利于与载体的集成,增益和带宽的损失也会对天线性能指标提出更严苛的要求。

因此,迫切需要不影响天线辐射特性的RCS缩减技术。基于基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,SIW)的磁电偶极子天线展现出一系列优势,包括低剖面、易加工、馈电简便、交叉极化低、宽带特性和稳定的增益。然而,目前已有的磁电偶极子天线RCS缩减技术主要采用叠加超表面的方式[6],或从单个天线单元的角度进行开发,尚未利用磁电偶极子阵列本身实现阵列级别上的RCS缩减技术。







(1.南京理工大学 电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏 南京 210094;

2.近程射频感知芯片与微系统教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094)

