Key technologies for data self-sensing access in data space
Xie Yunlong1,Song Yulun1,Xu Wenjing1, Sun Lin1, Gao Zexin2
1.Unicom Digital Technology Co., Ltd.; 2.Beijing Institute of Technology
Abstract: Data space technology has become one of the key technologies to protect data sovereignty and release the value of data elements. Aiming at the problems such as data departure from domain, lack of trust between participants, difficulty in data sharing, and low efficiency of large-scale data exchange, this paper discusses the data self-aware access technology in data space, aiming to enhance the trustworthiness, security, transparency, and measurability of data sharing, circulation, exchange, and transaction. The research adopts Apache Pulsar and anomaly recognition-based perception technology to build a full-process data self-aware access platform, which provides a technical architecture for building a data infrastructure that supports massive, multi-source, heterogeneous, and multi-type data.
Key words : data space; intelligent perception; anomaly detection
可信数据空间(Trusted Data Matrix, TDM)作为一种新兴概念,可被视为数据资源共享的数字化基础设施[4-5]。TDM旨在促进不同利益相关方在维护数据主权的前提下,实现数据的可信、安全、透明共享与交换。数据空间的概念最初在欧洲提出,并伴随着国际数据空间(International Data Space,IDS)参考架构的发布,为各类企业提供了产品研发的理论基础[6]。