您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 公安数据开放场景下个人信息匿名化处理法律标准探究
摘要: 在公安数据开放的背景下,个人信息匿名化处理逐渐成为平衡公安数据开放与个人信息保护的黄金分割点。通过国际横向比较分析,揭示了我国现行“无法识别特定个人且不能复原”的匿名化处理法律标准在操作层面的局限性,并选取我国17省市公安数据开放平台发布的《行政处罚决定书》为样本,对数据开放的类、量、质进行系统性评估。研究发现,公安数据匿名化开放尚处于初步阶段,存在顶层设计缺乏刚性约束、数据过度保密、格式不规范和处理标准不统一等现象。基于此,我国可以确立操作方法、风险检验及效果评估三维协同的匿名化处理法律标准:区分处理直接标识符与准标识符的操作方法标准,引入蓄意侵入者角色的再识别风险检验标准,以及去识别化效果评估标准。通过三重维度的协同作用,助推公安匿名数据最终实现“无法识别特定个人且不能复原”的法律效果。
Exploration of legal standards for anonymization of personal information in public security data openness scenarios
Zhang Han, Zhang Ning
Public Security Management College, People′s Public Security University of China
Abstract: Under the backdrop of public security data opening, the anonymization of personal information has gradually become the golden section point for balancing the opening of public security data and the protection of personal information. This study, through international comparative analysis, reveals the operational limitations of China′s current legal standard for anonymization processing, which is "unable to identify specific individuals and cannot be reverted". It selects the Administrative Penalty Decision published by the public security data opening platforms of 17 provinces and cities in China as samples to systematically evaluate the type, quantity, and quality of data opening. The study finds that due to the lack of rigid constraints in top-level design, excessive data secrecy, non-standard formats, and non-uniform processing standards, the opening of public security data anonymization is still in initial stage.China can establish a three-dimensional coordinated legal standard for anonymization processing:operational method standards for distinguishing direct identifiers from quasi-identifiers, re-identification risk inspection standards for introducing the role of motivated intruders, and de-identification effect evaluation standards. Through the synergistic effect of the three dimensions, it promotes the final realization of the legal effect of "unable to identify specific individuals and cannot be reverted" for public security anonymous data.
Key words : public security data disclosure; personal information; legal standards; anonymization; identifiers; re-identification risk assessment


伴随大数据、人工智能、区块链等前沿信息技术的迭代更新,人类社会正逐步向“数字时代”转型,数据作为这一转型过程的核心资产,在社会治安治理、市场经济运行以及科研教育等领域中的价值日益凸显。为充分利用政府持有的海量数据资源,推进社会对公开数据的深入挖掘和创新应用,中共中央于2022年12月颁布的《中共中央 国务院关于构建数据基础制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》中指出,数据治理在数据要素功能发挥中的核心地位。政府数据作为一种公共资源,根据数据生命周期理论,数据开放是数据生命周期中的重要一环[1]。截至2023年8月,我国已有226个省市地方政府上线了数据开放平台[2]。公安机关作为我国政府领导下的行政职能部门,同样掌握着海量极具商业价值和社会价值的个人信息,鉴于公安数据存在涉密、隐私保护等缘故无法直接向社会公众开放,致使资源得不到有效利用而只能躺在数据库内“休眠”。







