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1.中国石油测井有限公司物资装备公司西南中心;2.长江大学 机械学院
摘要: 目前国内专业化测井公司大多拥有内置源上千枚,国家对放射源的管控极其严格,稳谱源管控成为安全管理的关键环节。仪器在维修或运输过程中丢失或被盗,如不能及时发现,可能导致人员误照射或放射源失控风险。现有的放射源探测器由于涉源仪器高密度金属外壳屏蔽、选用晶体体积小等原因,均不能检测出仪器内部稳谱源信号。为解决该问题,研制了一种便携式能谱源探测器,该装置采用高分辨率大体积碘化钠(NaI)晶体和光电倍增管(PMT),采用该类别检测器独有的峰值采样原理,实现了对屏蔽后的纳居里级稳谱源快速、准确的检测。研制的稳谱源探测器不仅操作简便、探测效率高,而且能够在不拆卸仪器、仪器不工作的情况下,有效识别仪器内部的稳谱源。
中图分类号:TL816 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.245651
中文引用格式: 陈通,陈超,李卫强,等. 一种便携式稳谱源探测器的研制[J]. 电子技术应用,2025,51(2):52-57.
英文引用格式: Chen Tong,Chen Chao,Li Weiqiang,et al. Development of a portable stable spectrum source detector[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2025,51(2):52-57.
Development of a portable stable spectrum source detector
Chen Tong1,Chen Chao1,Li Weiqiang1,Zhang Xionghui1,Ye Chuantao1,Liu Xianming2
1.Southwest Center of Material Equipment Company, China Petroleum Logging Company Limited;2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Yangtze University
Abstract: Domestic logging companies currently possess thousands of built-in sources. The national control over radioactive sources is extremely stringent, making the management of stable spectrum sources a critical aspect of safety management. During maintenance or transportation, the instruments may be lost or stolen. If these situations are not promptly detected, it may lead to accidental radiation exposure of personnel or the risk of uncontrolled radioactive sources. Existing radiation source detectors are unable to detect the internal stable spectrum source signals of the instruments due to the shielding of high-density metal casings and the small volume of selected crystals. To address this issue, this paper develops a portable energy spectrum source detector. The device employs a high-resolution, large-volume sodium iodide (NaI) crystal and a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), and utilizes the unique peak sampling principle of this class of detectors, achieving rapid and accurate detection of the shielded nanocurie-level stable spectrum source. The developed stable spectrum source detector is not only easy to operate and highly efficient in detection but also effectively identifies the stable spectrum sources inside the instruments without the need to disassemble them or when the instruments are not in operation.
Key words : scintillation crystal;photomultiplier tube;circuit design;peak sampling







(1.中国石油测井有限公司物资装备公司西南中心,重庆 400023;

2.长江大学 机械学院,湖北 荆州 434023)

