摘要: 网络滋扰行为是指借助网络之手对特定人实施纠缠、追踪、监视、曝光身份等具有反复持续性的行为。该行为虽滋生于虚拟网络,但危害后果最终会“落地”现实生活。其不仅侵犯公民的精神安宁领地,还会演化为更加严重的暴力犯罪。近年来,网络滋扰普遍多发却未能受到有效遏制。究其原因,我国非刑事法律对该类行为规制力度不足以及相关罪名的解释适用出现困境。为了防阻网络滋扰的蔓延,保护公民人身完整性,有必要在刑法中增设跟踪纠缠罪,运用冒犯原则加以正当化。在罪状构想上,建议先采取“危险犯”的立法模式,再对主客观构成要件选择性记述;在刑罚设置上,建议先定位轻罪再适用同类法定刑,保证量刑的均衡;在追诉机制上,建议将跟踪纠缠罪归属于亲告罪,由被害人告诉才处理。
引用格式:陈佳雯. 网络滋扰行为的刑法规制[J].网络安全与数据治理,2025,44(2):67-72.
引用格式:陈佳雯. 网络滋扰行为的刑法规制[J].网络安全与数据治理,2025,44(2):67-72.
Criminal law regulation of cyber harassment
Chen Jiawen
Suqian Intermediate People′s Court
Abstract: Cyberstalking is a persistent and repetitive behavior that targets specific individuals by harassing, pursuing, monitoring, and disclosing their identities through internet. Although it originates in the virtual world, its harmful consequences eventually manifest in real life. It not only infringes on the mental tranquility of citizens but also escalates into more severe violent crimes. In recent years, cyberstalking has become increasingly prevalent but has not been effectively curbed. The reasons for this include regulation by non-criminal laws in China and difficulties in the interpretation and application of related criminal charges. To prevent the proliferation of cyberstalking and protect the personal of citizens, it is necessary to add a new offense of stalking and harassment to the Criminal Law, which can be justified by the principle of offense. In terms of the elements of the crime, it is suggested to first adopt the model of "dangerous offense" in legislation, and then selectively describe the subjective and objective elements; in terms of punishment, it is suggested to first classify it as a minor offense and then apply the same statutory penalty to ensure balanced sentencing; in terms of the mechanism, it is suggested to classify the offense of stalking and harassment as a quasi-tort offense, to be prosecuted only upon the complaint of the victim.
Key words : cyber harassment; criminal law regulation; personal protection integrity