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网络安全与数据治理 10期
霍珊珊,李艳俊,刘 健,罗昕锐
(1.中国电子科技集团公司第十五研究所信息产业信息安全测评中心,北京100083; 2.北京电子科技学院,北京100070)
摘要: 电子投票方案通常基于安全多方计算、盲签名、同态加密和秘密共享等密码学技术设计,并通过网络实现。与传统的投票方案相比,各个角色的隐私得到了更好的保护,投票和计票过程更安全高效。基于Paillier密码的同态性设计了多对多的电子投票方案,采用预计算三元组的方式在不解密选票的情形下对赞同、弃权、反对选项进行合规性判断;然后通过密码同态性合成总投票、计票中心解密后便能够从m个候选人中选出t个胜出者;最后证明了方案的正确性和安全性,并分析了方案实现需要的通信代价和投票人、可信中心以及计票员的计算量。方案整体实现效率高,适用于大型电子投票的场合。
Design of a multi-to-multi electronic voting scheme based on homomorphism
Huo Shanshan 1,Li Yanjun 1,2,Liu Jian 1,Luo Xinrui 2
(1.Information Industry Information Security Evaluation Center, The 15th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Beijing 100083, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology, Beijing 100070, China)
Abstract: The electronic voting system is usually designed based on cryptography technologies such as secure multiparty computation, blind signature, homomorphic encryption and secret sharing, and is realized through the network. Compared with traditional voting, the privacy of each role is well protected, and the voting and counting process is more secure and efficient. Based on the homogeneity of Paillier cipher, this paper designed a multitomulti voting scheme, which uses precalculated triples to judge the three options of approval, abstention, and objection without decrypting the votes. Then the total vote is generated because of the cryptohomomorphism, and the counting center can select the first t winners from the m candidates after decryption. The correctness and security was proved, and the communication cost requirement and the computational workload of voters, trusted centers, and tellers required for the implementation of the scheme were analyzed. The overall efficiency of the scheme is high, and it is suitable for largescale electronic voting occasions.
Key words : electronic voting; Paillier cipher; homomorphic encryption; security

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随着网络技术的飞速发展,互联网所提供的各种便利服务也越来越为人们所接受与采用。与传统的投票方案相比,电子投票方案基于密码技术设计并通过网络实现,投票和计票过程速度更快,投票结果也更准确,同时还能保护投票者的隐私安全,在保护公民的合法权益方面发挥着重要作用。21世纪以来,美国、瑞士等西方国家已经在国内大范围使用电子投票系统,涉及政治、经济等多个领域。然而,近二十几年美国发生多起电子投票系统被黑客入侵的事件,包括将候选人票数对调、错算选票和不计算选票等。2019年,瑞士政府赏重金邀请黑客寻找电子投票系统的漏洞。2022 年7月巴西总统认为当时使用的电子投票系统存在漏洞而要求废除。除此之外,法国、意大利和澳大利亚等国家的电子投票系统也都曾出现过严重漏洞。因此,电子投票的安全性至关重要。





