您所在的位置:首页 > 模拟设计 > 设计应用 > 改进型恒温晶振三次方补偿电路的研究与设计
湖南铁道职业技术学院 电务技术学院,湖南 株洲412001
摘要: 通信系统中收发同步离不开精确的时钟频率源,时钟频率源的精确与否直接影响系统的可靠性,而AT切晶体是频率源的重要组成部分,其频率与温度呈现三次函数的变化关系,导致其不适应较宽温度范围的应用场景。为克服温度对频率的直接影响,设计了一种用于温度补偿的三次函数发生电路,包括基准源、一次方电压产生电路、三次方产生电路及相加电路,在工作时能与AT切晶体产生的负温度系数相抵消。仿真结果表明,基准源电路恒定输出1.8 V,三次方电路输出波峰1.65 V、波谷0.85 V,加和后经调整的补偿电路产生波形波峰2.04 V、波谷1.74 V,很好地抑制了来自温度变化引起的频率误差,解决了振荡器输出频率随温度变化的问题。
中图分类号: TN433
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 谭传武,刘红梅. 改进型恒温晶振三次方补偿电路的研究与设计[J].电子技术应用,2020,46(9):51-56.
英文引用格式: Tan Chuanwu,Liu Hongmei. Design of cubic compensation circuit for constant temperature crystal oscillator[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(9):51-56.
Design of cubic compensation circuit for constant temperature crystal oscillator
Tan Chuanwu,Liu Hongmei
Department of Communication and Signal,Hunan Railway Professional Technology College,Zhuzhou 412001,China
Abstract: In the communication system, the receiving and transmitting synchronization can not be separated from the accurate clock frequency source. The accuracy of the clock frequency source directly affects the reliability of the system. AT cut crystal is an important part of the frequency source. Its frequency and temperature show a cubic function relationship, which makes it not suitable for a wide range of temperature application scenarios. In order to overcome the direct influence of temperature on frequency, this paper designs a kind of cubic function generating circuit for temperature compensation, including reference source, primary voltage generating circuit, cubic generating circuit and adding circuit, which can cancel the negative temperature coefficient produced by AT cut crystal in operation. The simulation results show that the reference circuit has a constant output of 1.856 V, the third-order circuit has a peak of 1.65 V and a trough of 0.85 V, and the added compensation circuit has a peak of 2.04 V and a trough of 1.74 V. The frequency error caused by the temperature change is well suppressed, and the problem that the output frequency of the oscillator changes with the temperature is solved.
Key words : temperature compensation;VCO;cubic function;band gap reference;frequency source

0 引言

    随着5G及物联网技术的飞速发展,智能终端体积越来越小且数量越来越多[1-2],终端与基站之间通过无线电波完成信息交互,而精准的时钟频率源是通信的必备条件[3-4]。石英晶体振荡器的频率准确度会受温度等因素的影响,市场上主流的振荡器选用的是AT切型[5],其随温度变化频率漂移可达10 ppm到50 ppm,AT切在室温存在零偏移点[6]。南开大学吴佳等采用7组差分对设计了高精度的三次方函数发生器[7],在±0.5×10-6且补偿温度范围扩大至-40~+85 ℃,此方法提高了精度但是功耗增加,不利于小型化的物联网场景;西安电子科技大学的刘宇计了一种超高频率稳定度的模拟温度补偿晶体(ATCXO)振荡器电路[8],可提供高精度的频率源,但是温度范围受限,不适应温度极端的物联网场景;华中科技大学肖鹏采用MOS可变电容设计了一款温度补偿晶体振荡器(TCXO)芯片[9],压控范围可达±180 ppm,但频率调整范围受限。

    本文综合以上设计的优缺点,改进了可变电容设计的补偿电路,利用CMOS工艺设计了一种用于TCXO振荡器中的功耗低、温度范围-40~+120 ℃的补偿电路,能抵消AT切晶体中随温度引起的频率变化,可用在恒温晶振中进行频率补偿。




(湖南铁道职业技术学院 电务技术学院,湖南 株洲412001)
