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中国科学技术大学 微电子学院,安徽 合肥230027
摘要: 针对车辆检测任务,设计更高效、精确的网络模型是行业研究的热点,深层网络模型具有比浅层网络模型更好的特征提取能力,但构建深层网络模型时将导致梯度消失、模型过拟合等问题,应用残差网络结构可以缓解此类问题。基于YOLO算法,改进残差网络结构,加深网络层数,设计了一种含有68个卷积层的卷积神经网络模型,同时对输入图像进行预处理,保证目标在图像上不变形失真,最后在自定义的车辆数据集上对模型进行训练与测试,并将实验结果与YOLOV3模型进行对比,实验表明,本文设计的模型检测精准度(AP)达90.63%,较YOLOV3提高了4.6%。
中图分类号: TP393
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2020.09.011
引用格式: 胡臣辰,陈贤富. 基于YOLO改进残差网络结构的车辆检测方法[J].信息技术与网络安全,2020,39(9):56-60.
Vehicle detection method based on improved residual network structure of based on YOLO
Hu Chenchen,Chen Xianfu
Institute of Microelectronics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,China
Abstract: For vehicle detection task, the design of more efficient and accurate network model is a hot research. Deep network model has better feature extraction capabilities than shallow network model, but will cause the gradient to disappear and the model to overfit and other problems. Application of residual network structure can alleviate such problems. Based on the YOLO algorithm, this paper improves the residual network structure and deepens the number of network layers. A convolutional neural network model with 68 convolutional layers is designed. At the same time, the input image is preprocessed to ensure that the target is not deformed or distorted on the image. Finally, the model is trained and tested on a custom vehicle data set, and the experimental results are compared with the YOLOV3 model. The experiment shows that the model detection accuracy(AP) designed in this paper reaches 90.63%, which is 4.6% higher than YOLOV3.
Key words : object detection;YOLO;residual network;deep learning

0 引言

    车辆是目标检测任务中的重要对象之一,在自动驾驶、目标追踪等领域有着十分重要的应用。以梯度方向直方图(Histogram of Oriented Gradient,HOG)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)结合的传统目标检测算法先计算候选框内图像梯度的方向信息统计值,再通过正负样本训练SVM,使用传统方法受限于候选框提取效率、HOG特征尺度鲁棒性,在实时性以及遮挡目标检测等诸多方面有着明显缺陷[1]。近年来,基于深度学习的目标检测方法以强特征提取能力、高检测率取得了惊人的成果。近年来深度学习网络在计算机视觉上因AlexNet在2012年的ImageNet大赛中大放异彩而进入飞速发展。2014年VGGNet在追求深层网络的性能时,发现增加网络的深度会提高性能,但是与此同时带来的梯度消失问题不可避免。2015年ResNet网络较好地解决了这个问题,深层残差网络可以减少模型收敛时间、改善寻优过程,但应用尺度大的卷积核的同时增加了网络模型的参数量与计算量,降低了模型的训练与检测速度[2]





(中国科学技术大学 微电子学院,安徽 合肥230027)
