您所在的位置:首页 > 通信与网络 > 设计应用 > 面向6G混合云频谱共享的区块链技术
芒 戈
摘要: 随着越来越多的物联网(IoT)设备需要在有限的频谱范围内进行通信,研究了6G增强超可靠低延迟通信(euRLLC)服务中的动态频谱共享问题,并将区块链技术与6G混合云相结合,实现物联网设备之间的频谱共享。由于区块链的分布式存储和可靠性,基于区块链的动态频谱共享可以实现灵活、可行和更高效的频谱分配。分析了频谱共享的过程,并提出了一种基于强化学习(RL)的euRLLC无线频谱资源共享结构,包括资源分类、资源调度、整体模型和神经网络优化,通过将区块链与混合云相结合,基于公共管理平台,使用统一的编码和识别标准来注册和管理物联网设备的信息。
中图分类号: TN929.5
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 芒戈. 面向6G混合云频谱共享的区块链技术[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(6):10-14,21.
英文引用格式: Mang Ge. Blockchain based spectrum sharing over 6G hybrid cloud[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(6):10-14,21.
Blockchain based spectrum sharing over 6G hybrid cloud
Mang Ge
China Telecom Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: This work investigates the dynamic spectrum sharing in the 6G enhanced ultra-reliable and low latency communications (euRLLC) services, as more and more Internet of Things(IoT) devices need to communicate between each other in the limited spectrum. This paper combines blockchain technology with 6G hybrid cloud to realize the spectrum sharing between IoT devices. Due to blockchain′s distributed storage and credibility, blockchain based dynamic spectrum sharing can achieve flexible, feasible and much more efficient spectrum allocation. This paper analyzes the process of spectrum sharing and proposes a wireless spectrum resource sharing structure in euRLLC based on reinforcement learning(RL), including resource classification, resource scheduling, overall model and neural network optimization. This design integrates blockchain and hybrid cloud to build a public management platform to register and manage the information of IoT devices using unified coding and identification standards.
Key words : euRLLC;spectrum sharing;6G hybrid cloud;blockchain

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芒  戈


