您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 面向干式水表产品追溯的RFID标签天线设计
王 翠,洪 涛
中国计量大学 质量与安全工程学院,浙江 杭州310018
摘要: 为了实现干式水表制造过程产品追溯,以便对干式水表的质量和数量进行有效监测,根据干式水表的内部结构,设计了一款性能满足干式水表产品追溯的小型化抗金属超高频PCB RFID标签。该标签天线采用弯折偶极子结构,可嵌入到水表中。为改善金属环境中RFID标签天线的性能,基于干式水表的内部结构和尺寸的约束,通过对天线电小环进行内凹弯折结构设计、调试与仿真,发现对天线中心频点和回波损耗的影响程度,实现对标签天线的小型化设计。对标签天线样品实物进行实际距离测试和天线最低激活功率测试,验证了所设计的标签天线嵌入水表后的最大识读距离为3.2 m,实际中心频点为900 MHz,满足产品追溯的识读要求。
中图分类号: TN820
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 王翠,洪涛. 面向干式水表产品追溯的RFID标签天线设计[J].电子技术应用,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
英文引用格式: Wang Cui,Hong Tao. Design of RFID tag antenna for quality traceability of dry-type water meter[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
Design of RFID tag antenna for quality traceability of dry-type water meter
Wang Cui,Hong Tao
College of Quality & Safety Engineering,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018,China
Abstract: In order to achieve the quality traceability of the dry-type water meter manufacturing process, so as to effectively monitor the quality and quantity of the dry-type water meter, according to the internal structure of the dry-type water meter, a miniaturized metal-resistant ultra-high frequency(UHF) printed circuit board(PCB)radio frequency identification(RFID) tags with performance to meet the quality traceability of the dry-type water meter is designed. The tag antenna adopts a bent dipole structure and can be embedded in a water meter. To improve the performance of RFID tag antennas in metal environments, based on the internal structure and size constraints of dry water meters, through the design, debugging and simulation of the concave bending structure of the antenna electric small loop, it discovers the degree of influence on the antenna center frequency and return loss, and realizes the miniaturization design of the tag antenna. The actual distance test and the minimum activation power test of the tag antenna sample verify that the maximum reading distance of the designed tag antenna after being embedded in the water meter is 3.2 m, and the actual center frequency is 900 MHz, which meets the reading requirements for quality traceability.
Key words : bent dipole antenna;dry-type water meter;metal-resistant;miniaturization;printed circuit board(PCB)

0 引言

    干式水表,是指水表计量机构采用磁性元件传动,计数器不与被计量水接触的一种旋翼式水表,具有读数清晰、抄表方便、计量精确、经久耐用等特点,从而被广泛采用[1-2]。为了保证干式水表的全生命周期产品追溯,必须将RFID电子标签安装在干式水表内部,但干式水表内部存在鼓轮转动轴、叶轮磁片等金属元件。在RFID超高频系统中,射频信号对金属环境[3-4]十分敏感,当标签天线接近金属表面时,因电磁感应的影响,金属会产生涡流[5-6],生成自身感应磁场,导致磁力线趋于平缓[7-8],无法穿过标签天线,RFID标签无响应。这给应用于干式水表的RFID电子标签设计带来了难度。一种用于手术刀的RFID抗金属标签天线[9]总体尺寸为66 mm×5 mm,采用短路短截线结构,应用高介电常数介质基板达到小型化目的,可嵌入金属或者贴敷于金属表面,最大读距为1 m,但该抗金属标签天线尺寸较大,且读距较小,不适用于内部结构复杂的干式水表。一种抗金属标签应用短路环偶极子天线结构[10],其尺寸为76 mm×3 mm,靠近金属表面,采用FR4材质,在-10 dB处带宽为101 MHz,具有较好的抗金属效果,但其天线结构因干式水表固定装置和机芯的干扰无法在水表中实现。



王  翠,洪  涛

(中国计量大学 质量与安全工程学院,浙江 杭州310018)

