您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 星载L波段宽带高增益圆极化微带天线设计
隋 涛,邢斯瑞,孙 伟,安向东
长光卫星技术有限公司,吉林 长春130000
摘要: 针对卫星L波段通信转发系统的要求,设计了一种新型星载L波段宽带高增益圆极化微带天线。微带天线整体采用侧馈的馈电方式,采用H型缝隙耦合馈电方式以实现宽频带,采用威尔金森移相功分器实现两信号间相位差来满足圆极化,增加天线背部反射板和板间泡沫层以提高增益并稳固结构。通过电磁仿真软件分析可得:在中心频点1.45 GHz处增益为8.3 dBi,轴比为0.7 dB,增益大于7.5 dBi且回波损耗小于-10 dB时相对带宽为23.5%。天线加工实测结果与仿真结果基本一致,对L波段无线通信系统设计有一定指导意义。
中图分类号: TN82
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 隋涛,邢斯瑞,孙伟,等. 星载L波段宽带高增益圆极化微带天线设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(1):138-141,151.
英文引用格式: Sui Tao,Xing Sirui,Sun Wei,et al. Design of L-band wideband high-gain circularly-polarized microstrip antenna for satellite communication system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(1):138-141,151.
Design of L-band wideband high-gain circularly-polarized microstrip antenna for satellite communication system
Sui Tao,Xing Sirui,Sun Wei,An Xiangdong
Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130000,China
Abstract: In response to the requirements of satellite L-band communication and forwarding systems, a novel type of satellite-borne L-band broadband high-gain circularly polarized microstrip antenna is designed. The microstrip antenna adopts a side-fed feeding method as a whole, adopts an H-shaped slot coupling feeding method to achieve a wide frequency band, and uses a Wilkinson phase shift power splitter to achieve the phase difference between the two signals to meet the circular polarization, and add the antenna back reflector and foam layer between the boards to increase gain and stabilize the structure. Through the analysis of electromagnetic simulation software, it can be obtained that the gain is 8.3 dBi at the center frequency point of 1.45 GHz, the axial ratio is 0.7 dB, the relative bandwidth is 23.5% when the gain is greater than 7.5 dBi and the return loss is less than -10 dB. The actual measurement results of the antenna processing are basically consistent with the simulation results, which have certain guiding significance for the design of the L-band wireless communication system.
Key words : slot-coupled feed;wideband;high-gain;circularly-polarized;microstrip antenna

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    为了在微带天线中实现低频段大带宽,前人已经做了大量工作,例如:文献[7]中设计了一种双层矩形贴片的层叠结构以展开天线带宽,阻抗相对带宽达到10%,频带内增益大于6 dB;文献[8]中设计了一款用于全球定位系统的圆极化微带天线,采用电容耦合探针馈电增加阻抗带宽,采用共面寄生贴片提高圆极化带宽,峰值增益达到8 dBi;文献[9]中设计了一种4段扇形天线组成的采用一分四功率分配器芯片实现宽带圆极化的天线,并采用电磁带隙结构作为高阻抗表面以实现天线能量定向辐射;文献[10]中设计了一款环形槽缝隙耦合馈电的双层微带天线,实现了17.6%的驻波相对带宽,且带宽内增益大于7.2 dBi。除此之外,还有人采用电磁超材料或法布里-珀罗谐振腔设计以提高带宽[11-12]



隋  涛,邢斯瑞,孙  伟,安向东

(长光卫星技术有限公司,吉林 长春130000)

