您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 基于GAMP的实时PPP软件实现及性能分析
刘 亚1,2,何文涛1,3,张 洁1,2
1.中国科学院微电子研究所,北京100029;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049; 3.杭州中科微电子有限公司,浙江 杭州310053
摘要: 针对GAMP精密单点定位解算软件现阶段无法进行实时定位解算的问题,分析和研究了软件中事后精密单点定位算法的原理和流程,对比实时及事后精密单点定位数据来源和处理方式的不同,结合现有的实时数据处理软件的处理方式,在GAMP的基础上增加了实时数据流接收及预处理模块,同时将卫星精密轨道及钟差的来源从事后精密星历文件转向广播星历结合实时改正数的方式。分别通过网络接收四测站卫星观测数据以及UBLOX-F9T模块接收数据进行实时精密单点定位可以发现,静态实时精密单点定位精度可达厘米级,动态可达分米级,满足了实时定位解算需求。
中图分类号: TN961;TP311
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 刘亚,何文涛,张洁. 基于GAMP的实时PPP软件实现及性能分析[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(2):55-59,64.
英文引用格式: Liu Ya,He Wentao,Zhang Jie. Implementation and performance analysis of real time PPP software based on GAMP[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(2):55-59,64.
Implementation and performance analysis of real time PPP software based on GAMP
Liu Ya1,2,He Wentao1,3,Zhang Jie1,2
1.Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 3.Hangzhou Zhongke Microelectronics Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310053,China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that GAMP software lacks the function of real-time precise point positioning at this stage, this paper analyzes and studies the principle and process of the post precise point positioning algorithm in the software, compares the different data sources and processing methods of the real-time and post precise point positioning, and combines with the processing method of existing real-time data processing software. On the basis of GAMP, a real-time data stream receiving and preprocessing module is added. At the same time, the source of satellite precise orbit and clock bias changes from post precise ephemeris file to broadcast ephemeris combined with real-time corrections. Through the real-time precise point positioning experiment of four stations and UBLOX-F9T module, it can be found that the static real-time precision point positioning accuracy can reach centimeter level and the dynamic accuracy can reach decimeter level, which meets the needs of real-time precise point positioning.
Key words : real-time PPP;real-time data stream;NTRIP protocol;UBLOX protocol;combined SSR

0 引言

    精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)利用卫星观测及导航数据,事后精密星历等可在全球范围内实现高精度定位[1],相较于实时动态(Real-Time Kinematic,RTK)技术[2]摆脱了参考站的束缚,可以适用于更多的测量环境。


    2007年国际全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)服务组织(International GNSS Service,IGS)启动了实时项目(IGS Real-Time Pilot Project,IGS-RTPP),2013年4月1日起利用全球实时跟踪网采集的GNSS数据,实时估计轨道及钟差改正数以空间状态表示(State Space Representation,SSR)形式,通过国际海运事业无线电技术委员会标准协议(Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services,RTCM)编码,基于RTCM网络传输协议(Network Transport of RTCM via the Internet Protocol,NTRIP)向全球用户播发[4]。对于实时PPP,可以通过广播星历结合SSR改正获得实时精密星历来进行高精度定位解算[5]。目前已有的处理实时PPP软件有RTKLIB[6]和BNC[7]等,不过在PPP处理策略或配置选择上没有GAMP软件丰富,但是GAMP是事后PPP处理软件,所以本文在GAMP软件的基础上增加了实时数据接收及处理模块,完成了实时PPP软件的搭建,验证了其处理实时数据及实时PPP定位解算的功能。



刘  亚1,2,何文涛1,3,张  洁1,2


3.杭州中科微电子有限公司,浙江 杭州310053)

