您所在的位置:首页 > 其他 > 设计应用 > 可穿戴上肢功能性电刺激仪的设计与实验
苏栋楠1,2,尚 鹏2,胡志刚1,曾梓琳1,魏 风2,吴继鹏2,杨德龙2
1.河南科技大学 医学技术与工程学院,河南 洛阳471000;2.中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,广东 深圳518055
摘要: 功能性电刺激已经成为医院脑卒中运动康复治疗的常用有效手段,但治疗仪机器体积庞大,训练地点固定且电刺激模式单一。针对以上问题,设计一款基于STM32芯片可穿戴四通道功能性电刺激仪。它需要能够实时调控电刺激模式与参数,还能够满足患者自主居家的上肢康复训练。电刺激仪系统由STM32主控芯片、电源管理模块、boost升压模块、电刺激驱动电路以及串口屏人机交互模块等组成。实验结果表明,该仪器能有效引起肌肉的收缩,正确地输出电刺激波形,达到行康复治疗的疗效。
中图分类号: TP242.3
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 苏栋楠,尚鹏,胡志刚,等. 可穿戴上肢功能性电刺激仪的设计与实验[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(6):92-97.
英文引用格式: Su Dongnan,Shang Peng,Hu Zhigang,et al. Design and experiment of a wearable functional electrical stimulation instrument for upper limbs[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(6):92-97.
Design and experiment of a wearable functional electrical stimulation instrument for upper limbs
Su Dongnan1,2,Shang Peng2,Hu Zhigang1,Zeng Zilin1,Wei Feng2,Wu Jipeng2,Yang Delong2
1.College of Medical Technology and Engineering,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang 471000,China; 2.Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenzhen 518055,China
Abstract: Functional electrical stimulation has become a commonly used and effective method for the rehabilitation of stroke in hospitals. However, due to the large size of the therapeutic apparatus, the fixed training location, and the single electrical stimulation mode, a wearable four-channel functional electrical stimulator based on the STM32 chip was designed to solve the above problems. It needs to be able to control the electrical stimulation mode and parameters in real-time, and also to meet the upper limb rehabilitation training of patients at home. The electric stimulator system includes the STM32 main control chip, power management module, boost module, electric stimulation drive circuit, and serial screen human-computer interaction module. Experimental results show that the instrument can effectively cause muscle contraction, output electrical stimulation waveforms correctly, and achieve the curative effect of rehabilitation therapy.
Key words : functional electrical stimulation;electrical stimulation parameters;upper limb;hardware

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    当今脑卒中(俗称中风)患者数量与日俱增,截至2020年底,我国统计的脑卒中患者已有1 200多万人,且呈现年轻化趋势,25岁以上的成年人罹患脑卒中终身风险为39.3%[1]。此外,脑卒中往往伴随着患者的运动功能损伤,对患者的生活与工作造成不便,而早期的康复治疗能一定程度上有效恢复患者的运动功能[2-7]功能性电刺激(Functional Electrical Stimulation,FES)就是使用低频电信号刺激肌肉,使失能肌肉产生收缩,释放神经递质,通过下运动神经元反馈刺激上运动神经元,达到患者康复治疗的疗效。如今,功能性电刺激已经成为医院康复治疗的常用有效手段,但是目前医院用于功能性电刺激的仪器体积庞大,使用场地局限性较大,不便于患者实时和任意场所的康复训练。针对以上问题,本文设计了一款针对上肢康复训练的可穿戴四通道功能性电刺激仪,可以自主控制升压范围,多频率可调,且治疗仪体积小巧便携,满足患者居家上肢康复训练。



苏栋楠1,2,尚  鹏2,胡志刚1,曾梓琳1,魏  风2,吴继鹏2,杨德龙2

(1.河南科技大学 医学技术与工程学院,河南 洛阳471000;2.中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,广东 深圳518055)

