网络安全与数据治理 2022年第1期
胡 洋,洪 晟
(北京航空航天大学 网络空间安全学院,北京100191)
摘要: 2021年,元宇宙热度持续上涨。目前元宇宙相关概念、标准尚未正式形成,底层技术不够成熟,立法监管空白,法制体系建设任务艰巨。对于交易在数据链上的元宇宙来说,数据治理问题更是其中不容忽视的一环。在此背景下,对元宇宙概念、相关技术和法律法规的研究现状进行了分析,聚焦于元宇宙规则制定、责任主体确认、财产与交易、数据治理、犯罪治理等方面的核心法律问题。在未来,依托整个社会的有机配合,技术、法律、资本的共同支撑,元宇宙极有可能成为一个新的发展方向。
中图分类号: TP393.08;G203
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.006
引用格式: 胡洋,洪晟. 元宇宙法制体系建设与数据治理问题初探[J].网络安全与数据治理,2022,41(1):36-40.
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.006
引用格式: 胡洋,洪晟. 元宇宙法制体系建设与数据治理问题初探[J].网络安全与数据治理,2022,41(1):36-40.
Preliminary exploration on the construction of the metaverse legal system and data governance
Hu Yang,Hong Sheng
(School of Cyber Science and Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
Abstract: Since 2021, the heat of the metaverse continues to rise. At present, the relevant concepts and standards of the metaverse have not been formally formed, the underlying technology is not mature enough, the legislation and supervision is blank, and the task of building the legal system is arduous. For the metaverse where transactions happen on the data chain, the data governance problem cannot be ignored. Based on the background, analyzing the metaverse research status of concepts, technologies, laws and regulations, this paper focuses on the core legal issues including aspects of metaverse rule formulation, confirmation of subject of liabilities, property and transaction, data governance and crime governance. In the future, relying on the organic cooperation of the whole society and the joint contribution of technology, law and capital, the metaverse is very likely to become a new development direction.
Key words : metaverse;research status;legal issue;data governance
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胡 洋,洪 晟
(北京航空航天大学 网络空间安全学院,北京100191)