李赣华1,2,董 黎1,2,邰能建1,2,夏克强1,2,邰文星1,2,高亚瑞玺1,2
1.国家宇航动力学实验室,陕西 西安710043;2.西安卫星测控中心,陕西 西安710043
摘要: 针对航天数据处理中心(Space Data Processing Center,SDPC)的时域、地域和功能等不同维度需求下的体系化建设,提出了一种分布式异地部署的多代多任务“云”平台架构,分析了长期在线并行任务系统的实现路径,介绍了多中心、多系统、多任务、多功能的复杂系统组成、连接和架构设计,研究了航天数据处理中心结合应用下的在线运行的系统切换、高可用的数据管理、安全防护的运维管理、用户分离的虚拟桌面等关键技术。通过在航天数据处理中心部署构建和应用,实现了航天数据处理中心在异地异构的容灾系统和备份中心系统并行运行、内部不同任务系统功能相对独立和不同用户操作相对分离条件下的高可靠运行,满足多年的航天器运控规划、卫星在轨服务、资源调度等多任务要求。
中图分类号: TN820.4
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 李赣华,董黎,邰能建,等. 分布式多代多任务航天复杂系统架构设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(9):86-91,96.
英文引用格式: Li Ganhua,Dong Li,Tai Nengjian,et al. The architecture design of distributed multi-generation and multi-task complex space system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):86-91,96.
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 李赣华,董黎,邰能建,等. 分布式多代多任务航天复杂系统架构设计[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(9):86-91,96.
英文引用格式: Li Ganhua,Dong Li,Tai Nengjian,et al. The architecture design of distributed multi-generation and multi-task complex space system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):86-91,96.
The architecture design of distributed multi-generation and multi-task complex space system
Li Ganhua1,2,Dong Li1,2,Tai Nengjian1,2,Xia Keqiang1,2,Tai Wenxing1,2,Gao Yaruixi1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Astronautic Dynamics,Xi′an 710043,China;2.Xi′an Satellite Control Center,Xi′an 710043,China
Abstract: A distribute architecture is presented for the complex system of the space data processing center(SDPC),the implementation method is analyzed for the long run parallel operation based on different location, generation and function. Firstly, the complex space data processing center system is introduced from three aspects of composition, connection and architecture design. Secondly, based on the application of space data processing center system, the key technologies are researched which include the system on-line switching, security protection of operation management, high availability of data management, and user separation based on the virtual cloud desktop technology. Through the real application of long run space data processing center, it realizes the parallel operation of different location and different structure, the relative independence of different function module, the highly reliable operation of user operation separation for disaster backup system and backup center. The architecture satisfied the long run-task demands of space mission planning, satellite in-orbit service, resource scheduling management,and so on.
Key words : space data processing center;cloud platform;disaster backup system;backup center
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李赣华1,2,董 黎1,2,邰能建1,2,夏克强1,2,邰文星1,2,高亚瑞玺1,2
(1.国家宇航动力学实验室,陕西 西安710043;2.西安卫星测控中心,陕西 西安710043)