彭礼彪1,邓永利2,帅 萍1,毕东杰1,李西峰1,谢永乐1
1.电子科技大学 自动化工程学院,四川 成都 611731; 2.北京航空工程技术研究中心 北京 100076
摘要: 胚胎电子系统是模拟生物细胞组织结构和生长机制而设计的一种新型仿生硬件系统。由于其具有良好的故障容错能力,能有效地提高电子装备在复杂应用环境中的可靠性,在航空航天、深水探测、电磁对抗等应用领域具有重要价值。近年来,关于胚胎电子系统的研究主要围绕胚胎阵列结构设计、分化设计和可靠性等问题展开,取得了丰富的成果。首先介绍了胚胎电子系统国内外研究现状,并对目前胚胎电子系统的主要结构、自检测技术和自修复技术关键技术进行了归纳总结,最后在现有研究基础上,分析了胚胎电子系统故障自检测和自修复技术研究存在的主要瓶颈及未来的研究方向。
中图分类号: TP311
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 彭礼彪,邓永利,帅萍,等. 胚胎电子系统及其故障自检测自修复研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(10):13-20.
英文引用格式: Peng Libiao,Deng Yongli, Shuai Ping,et al. A survey of embryonic electronic system and its fault self-detection and self-repair[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):13-20.
文献标识码: A
中文引用格式: 彭礼彪,邓永利,帅萍,等. 胚胎电子系统及其故障自检测自修复研究[J].电子技术应用,2022,48(10):13-20.
英文引用格式: Peng Libiao,Deng Yongli, Shuai Ping,et al. A survey of embryonic electronic system and its fault self-detection and self-repair[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):13-20.
A survey of embryonic electronic system and its fault self-detection and self-repair
Peng Libiao1,Deng Yongli2,Shuai Ping1,Bi Dongjie1,Li Xifeng1,Xie Yongle1
1.School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China; 2.Beijing Aeronautical Technology Research Center, Beijing 100076, China
Abstract: The embryonic electronic system is a bionic hardware system designed based on the growth and development mechanism of multicellular organisms. Because of its good fault tolerance, it can effectively improve the reliability of electronic equipment in complex application environments, and has important application value in aerospace, deep-water exploration and other complex fields. In recent years, the research on embryonic electronic systems has mainly focused on new design of array structure, reliability and optimization design and other issues, and have achieved rich results. This article firstly introduces the current research status of embryonic electronic system, and summarizes the main structure, self-detection technology and self-repair technology of current embryo electronic system. Finally, on the basis of existing research, the main bottlenecks and future research directions of embryonic electronic system fault self-detection and self-repair technology are analyzed.
Key words : embryonic electronic system; self-detection; self-repair
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彭礼彪1,邓永利2,帅 萍1,毕东杰1,李西峰1,谢永乐1
(1.电子科技大学 自动化工程学院,四川 成都 611731;
2.北京航空工程技术研究中心 北京 100076)