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网络安全与数据治理 6期
摘要: 自由空间光在提供快速稳定的数据传输、抵御外界干扰以及极强的安全保障等方面都表现出色。激光在大气信道的传输过程中,通信性能普遍会受到大气状况的影响,大气湍流引起的光强闪烁效应将导致系统链路性能恶化。研究了弱大气湍流信道下自由空间光通信中通断键调制信号的判决方法,首先依据对数正态模型对真实弱湍流信道进行数值仿真,然后针对实际使用场景下信道条件未知、模型训练数据与实际情形不匹配等难点,使用数据增广方法训练提升支持向量机模型的判决效果,进而提高跨湍流信道的判决能力。实验结果初步验证了数据增广方法会提高信道不匹配情况下的支持向量机判决模型的效果。
Optical communication signal detection for on-off key modulation of opticalcommunication signal across turbulent channels based on SVM
Li Chuyu,Wang Yimin,Xu Zhiyong,Wang Jingyuan,Li Jianhua, Zhao Jiyong
(College of Communication Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210001, China)
Abstract: Free space optical communication performs well in providing fast and stable data transmission, resistance to external interference and strong security. In the process of laser transmission in atmospheric channels, the communication performance is generally affected by atmospheric conditions, and the optical scintillation effect caused by atmospheric turbulence will lead to the deterioration of system link performance. In this paper, the decision method of onoff key modulation signal in free space optical communication under weak atmospheric turbulence channel is studied. Firstly, numerical simulation of real weak turbulence channel is carried out based on lognormal model. In view of the difficulties such as unknown channel conditions and mismatch between model training data and actual situation, data augmentation method is used to train and improve the decision performance of support vector machine. Then the decision ability across turbulent channels is improved. Experimental results preliminarily verify that data augmentation method can improve the effectiveness of SVM decision model in the case of channel mismatch.
Key words : free optical communication; onoff key regulation; channel robustness; support vector machine(SVM)

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自由空间光通信(Free Space Optical,FSO)具有高速率、高传输容量、抗干扰、免频谱许可、高保密性、通信性价比相比于光纤高等优势,是一种十分有前途的无线光通信技术。然而,在激光通过大气信道传播过程中,光束和周围大气微粒之间的相互作用产生的大气吸收和散射等效应,对光接收功率产生一定影响。而大气层中空气密度的无规则起伏,称为大气湍流,是影响光信号质量最主要的原因。大气信道光束经大气湍流作用后,引起光强闪烁和光束相位的随机变化,造成接收信号的误码率提高,大大降低了接收信号的质量,最终使FSO系统的性能发生严重劣化。机器学习在无线光通信领域的运用目前主要集中在无线光通信中的光性能检测、信道均衡与补偿、光信号的测量和分析方面,它在克服湍流影响中的应用已在发展湍流模型、湍流模拟方法、非线性补偿等领域取得了进展。机器学习方法能够有效地处理高复杂度优化和高度非线性问题,为湍流模型的研究提供了新的思路。





