您所在的位置:首页 > 测试测量 > 设计应用 > 极端条件下高压输电线路覆冰识别检测技术
(1.重庆科技学院 电气工程学院, 重庆 401331;2.中国石油西南油气田川西北气矿, 四川 绵阳 621700; 3.北京理工大学 自动化学院, 北京 100081)
摘要: 目前,越来越多的高压输电线路需穿过重度覆冰区,由冰雪灾害引起的输电线路故障问题频繁发生,从而造成一定的经济损失,故需要探索一种有效识别极端条件下覆冰输电线路状态的检测算法。提出小波变换模极大值和多尺度多结构形态学两者加权融合算法,对算法的原理进行了分析,结合所采集到的图像,通过去雾、滤波、灰度增强等方法对图像预处理,对边缘检测算法进行实现。通过对比经典常用的边缘检测算子发现,该方法在极端条件下对覆冰输电线路边缘轮廓检测误差只有0.661 7%,满足极端条件下覆冰输电线路识别检测,为下一步输电线路覆冰厚度计算以及故障诊断提供技术支持。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223537
中文引用格式: 王拓,张霖,唐伟晔,等. 极端条件下高压输电线路覆冰识别检测技术[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(7):67-71.
英文引用格式: Wang Tuo,Zhang Lin,Tang Weiye,et al. Identification and detection technology of icing on high-voltage transmission lines under extreme conditions[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(7):67-71.
Identification and detection technology of icing on high-voltage transmission lines under extreme conditions
Wang Tuo1,Zhang Lin2,Tang Weiye3,Wang Kai2,Zhang Shumin1,Li Xinyu1,Tang Dedong1
(1.College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China; 2.PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Sichuan Northwest Gas Mine,Mianyang 621700, China; 3.School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)
Abstract: At the moment, an increasing number of high-voltage transmission lines must pass through substantially ice-covered locations, and transmission line breakdowns caused by snow and ice disasters occur on a regular basis, resulting in economic losses. As a result, it is required to investigate an effective detection technique for determining the state of ice-covered transmission lines in harsh conditions. This work presents and examines a weighted fusion approach for wavelet transform mode maximum and multi-scale and multi-structure morphology. Image preprocessing is performed on the acquired images using methods such as de-fogging, filtering, and gray augmentation, and the edge detection algorithm is achieved. By comparing the classical and commonly used edge detection operators, it is discovered that the error of this method is only 0.661 7% for the edge profile detection of ice-covered transmission lines under extreme conditions, which meets the requirements for the identification and detection of ice-covered transmission lines under extreme conditions. It provides technical assistance for calculating ice thickness and diagnosing transmission line faults.
Key words : transmission line;icing;detect;extreme conditions

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随着全球能源互联概念的提出,远距离、大容量的输电将成为未来输电线路的发展方向。近年来,由于我国输电技术的发展,超高压、特高压输电技术的普及,以及西电东送、北电南送等重大战略目标的确定,越来越多的输电线路需要穿过重度覆冰区,由冰雪灾害所引起的输电线路故障日益受到重视。目前,主流的覆冰线路在线监测系统主要分为物理方法和图像处理方法两大类。物理方法如采用垂直比载变化特性的线路覆冰状态力学分析模型、导入风偏因素的改进力学模型、结合风载荷及不均匀冰校正系数的改进力学模型等,其原理是通过测量输电线路的各物理量参数来构建力学模型,对输电线路的覆冰状态进行判断分析,但其在极端条件下影响因素较多,精确度难以保证。图像处理方法则是通过塔杆固定的摄像机来实时采集输电线路的图像,再结合机器视觉与一些学习算法来分析覆冰线路的状态,如采用基于三维即时成像立体视觉技术实现覆冰厚度测量,但多目摄像机安装难度大,且易受极端环境影响;华南理工大学郝艳捧等通过3阶 B样条函数结合Hough变换识别覆冰导线,但覆冰厚度的计算过程相对复杂,不能够用于实时在线监测;还有采用无人机搭载工业摄像机对输电线路状态进行航拍,然后再通过算法计算线路覆冰厚度,但在恶劣坏境下气流、雨雪等恶劣天气条件情况复杂,会对航拍造成干扰而无法工作。





(1.重庆科技学院 电气工程学院, 重庆 401331;2.中国石油西南油气田川西北气矿, 四川 绵阳 621700;3.北京理工大学 自动化学院, 北京 100081)

