(1.哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150000; 2.杭州电子科技大学 网络空间安全学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
摘要: 针对基于特征投影预处理后旁瓣干扰偏移的问题,提出一种基于特征投影预处理和协方差矩阵修正重构的主瓣干扰抑制算法。该方法首先通过最大相关系数法确定特征投影矩阵,对接收数据进行预处理充分去除主瓣干扰,然后对主瓣干扰信号功率置零,重新构造旁瓣干扰加噪声协方差矩阵,进一步进行波束形成,方向图在偏移旁瓣干扰处形成较深的零陷。仿真实验表明,提出的方法在接收数据含有期望信号的条件下能够有效地抑制主瓣干扰和旁瓣干扰,并且具有良好的稳健性。
中图分类号:TN911.7 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223558
中文引用格式: 王一同,李文兴,杨彬. 基于特征投影预处理抗主瓣干扰的改进算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):135-140.
英文引用格式: Wang Yitong,Li Wenxing,Yang Bin. Improved algorithm for anti-mainlobe interference based on eigen-projection preprocessing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):135-140.
中文引用格式: 王一同,李文兴,杨彬. 基于特征投影预处理抗主瓣干扰的改进算法[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(10):135-140.
英文引用格式: Wang Yitong,Li Wenxing,Yang Bin. Improved algorithm for anti-mainlobe interference based on eigen-projection preprocessing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(10):135-140.
Improved algorithm for anti-mainlobe interference based on eigen-projection preprocessing
Wang Yitong1,Li Wenxing1,Yang Bin2
(1.College of Information and Communications Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150000, China; 2.College of Cyberspace, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
Abstract: When the eigen-projection matrix preprocessing algorithms suppress the mainlobe interference, the sidelobe interferences will shift after preprocessing and the output performance is seriously degraded. To solve this problem, the mainlobe interference suppression algorithm based on eigen-projection preprocessing and reconstruction of modified covariance matrix is proposed. The method makes use of eigen-projection to remove the mainlobe interference in the received data. Then modified sidelobe interference plus noise covariance matrix (SINCM) is constructed for further beamforming after the power of the mainlobe interference is replaced by zero. The method eliminates the effect of mainlobe interference to the adaptive weight vector. And the beam pattern forms deep nulls at deviation positions of sidelobe interferences. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively suppress the mainlobe interference and sidelobe interferences when the training data contains the signal of interest (SOI), and it has good robustness.
Key words : eigen-projection matrix preprocessing;mainlobe interference;covariance matrix;beamforming
0 引言
近年来,自适应波束形成技术广泛应用于无线电通信技术、雷达、声呐、医学成像等领域[1-3]。自适应波束形成技术[4-8]是一种抑制旁瓣干扰的有效手段,然而当主瓣波束范围内存在主瓣干扰时,传统的自适应波束形成算法会造成主瓣波束畸变、旁瓣电平升高以及输出信干噪比(Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio, SINR)严重下降等问题。
(1.哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150000;2.杭州电子科技大学 网络空间安全学院,浙江 杭州 310018)