电子技术应用 11期
(北京信息科技大学,北京 100192)
摘要: 低压差线性稳压器(LDO)在电路系统中负责提供稳定的电源电压,它是一种应用广泛的电源管理芯片。随着集成度和工艺的不断提高,无片外电容LDO逐渐替代含片外电容LDO成为研究重点,但无片外电容LDO需要额外的补偿电路以解决稳定性和瞬态响应特性较差的问题。为了解当前行业内的主流设计思路,调研了大量文献,分析了无片外电容LDO的研究进展,并分别总结了提高稳定性和瞬态响应特性的方案,提炼了其中的技术要点,评价了优缺点,最后提出了可以改进的空间并对今后的研究方向做了展望。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233747
引用格式: 李天硕,李严,刘莹. 无片外电容LDO的研究进展[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(11):35-41.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233747
引用格式: 李天硕,李严,刘莹. 无片外电容LDO的研究进展[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(11):35-41.
Progress research on LDO without off chip capacitor
Li Tianshuo,Li Yan,Liu Ying
(Beijing Information Science and Technology University , Beijing 100192, China)
Abstract: Low dropout linear regulator (LDO) is responsible for providing stable power supply voltage in the circuit system. It is a widely used power management chip. With the continuous improvement of integration and technology, the capacitor-free LDO gradually replaces the LDO with off chip and becomes the focus of research. However, the capacitor-free LDO needs additional compensation circuit to solve the problem of poor stability and transient response characteristics. In order to know the mainstream design ideas in the current industry, a large number of literatures were investigated, the research status of the capacitor-free LDO was analyzed, and the schemes to improve the stability and transient response characteristics were summarized, the technical points were refined, the advantages and disadvantages were evaluated, at last the room for improvement was proposed and the future research direction was prospected.
Key words : low dropout linear regulator;capacitor-free LDO;compensation circuit;stability;transient response characteristics
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(北京信息科技大学,北京 100192)