成都天奥测控技术有限公司,四川 成都 611731
摘要: 为实现高分辨率、低相位噪声、高杂散抑制、小体积、低成本的X波段频率源,同时解决传统锁相环频率合成频率分辨率低和直接数字式频率合成输出频率低的问题,提出了一种基于谐波混频和小步进锁相环改善相位噪声和频率分辨率的X波段频率源设计方法,采用了谐波混频输出粗步进射频信号与HMC830LP6GE锁相环输出细步进混频环的构架,降低模块的鉴相比并固定为1:1。实现了X波段频率源输出频率范围为8 GHz~12 GHz,幅度大于13 dBm,模块频率步进为1 MHz,杂散抑制优于60 dBc的特性,且相位噪声优于-115 dBc/Hz@10 kHz。该频率源具有跳频步进小、体积小、杂散低、相位噪声低等诸多优点,能够适用于各种需要小型化、低相位噪声、低杂散X波段频率源的应用场景。
中图分类号:TN742 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223650
中文引用格式: 李世浩,蒋润秋,莫世波. 基于谐波混频的X波段频率源设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):132-136.
英文引用格式: Li Shihao,Jiang Runqiu,Mo Shibo. Design of X-band frequency source based on harmonic mixing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):132-136.
中文引用格式: 李世浩,蒋润秋,莫世波. 基于谐波混频的X波段频率源设计[J]. 电子技术应用,2023,49(12):132-136.
英文引用格式: Li Shihao,Jiang Runqiu,Mo Shibo. Design of X-band frequency source based on harmonic mixing[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(12):132-136.
Design of X-band frequency source based on harmonic mixing
Li Shihao,Jiang Runqiu,Mo Shibo
Chengdu Tianao Measurement and Control Technology Co.,Ltd., Chengdu 611731, China
Abstract: In order to realize a high resolution, low phase noise, high spurious rejection, small size and low cost X-band frequency source, and to solve the problems of low frequency resolution of traditional phase-locked loop frequency synthesis and low output frequency of direct digital frequency synthesis, an X-band frequency source design method based on harmonic mixing and small-step phase-locked loop to improve phase noise and frequency resolution is proposed. This method adopts the architecture of harmonic mixing to output coarse step RF signal and HMC830LP6GE phase-locked loop to output fine step mixing loop, reducing the module's discrimination and fixing it to 1∶1.The results show that the X-band frequency source has an output frequency range of 8 GHz~12 GHz, an output power greater than 13 dB, a frequency step of 1 MHz, a spurious rejection better than 60 dBc, and a phase noise better than -115 dBc/Hz@10 kHz. The frequency source has the advantages of small hopping step, small size, low spurious and low phase noise, which can be applied to various applications requiring miniaturized, low phase noise and low spurious X-band frequency source.
Key words : X-band;frequency source;harmonic mixing;phase noise;spurious suppression
0 引言
随着微波技术和器件设计制造技术的不断发展,雷达设备、仪器仪表、消费电子设备已经成为生产和军事中必不可少的设备,而频率源是现代雷达、电子干扰与对抗、仪器仪表、消费电子、通信设备的核心部件,其直接决定了电子设备的整体性能。频率合成技术通常采用直接数字式(Direct Digital Synthesizer, DDS)和锁相环式(Phase Lock Loop, PLL)两种,但DDS技术具有合成频率低的问题,PPL技术具有频率分辨率低的问题。
为解决上述问题,文献[1]中基于高性能和小型化的滤波器以DDS技术为主导,设计出相位噪声优于-85 dBc/Hz@1 kHz,杂散和谐波抑制优于45 dBc,频率分辨率达到1.86 Hz,跳频时间最快4 ns的Ka波段捷变频频率源;文献[2]中采用DDS+PLL相结合的设计方法设计出频率为9.2 GHz~9.4 GHz、频率步进25 kHz、调制周期为2.4 ms、相位噪声为-85 dBc/Hz@100 kHz的X波段频率源。文献[3]提出了一种DDS+PLL的X波段频率源,该频率源输出频率为8.5 GHz~9.5 GHz,相位噪声为-115 dBc/Hz@100 kHz,相位锁定时间为580 ns。
(成都天奥测控技术有限公司,四川 成都 611731)