中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234665 中文引用格式: 郗天玥,蔡爱华,翁丽娜. 空基网络中定向自组网关键技术研究综述[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(4):1-10. 英文引用格式: Xi Tianyue,Cai Aihua,Weng Lina. Research on key technology of directional ad hoc networks in airborne networks[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(4):1-10.
Research on key technology of directional ad hoc networks in airborne networks
Xi Tianyue,Cai Aihua,Weng Lina
China Academy of Electronic and Information Technology
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks based on directional antennas are widely used in the military field, especially for airborne networks with the requirements of easy implementation, high concealment and high confidentiality. Directional antennas have more advantages than omni-directional antennas, which have longer transmission ranges, reduce mutual interference among nodes, and are able to achieve the improvement of spatial multiplexing capability. But the introduction of directional antennas can create problems while increasing the communication distance, causing disruptive side effects to many protocol layers. Currently, researchers at home and abroad have proposed a variety of algorithms to solve these problems. Combined with the complexity of airborne networks, it studies various algorithms and protocols proposed at home and abroad for the data link layer and network layer of mobile ad hoc networks based on directional antennas. It summarizes and compares three key technologies in recent years, namely, directional neighbor discovery algorithm, medium access control protocol and directional routing protocol. Techniques and protocols that are more suitable for use in airborne networks are proposed. Finally, it provides some directions for further research.
Key words : directional ad-hoc network;neighbor discovery algorithms;medium access control protocol;routing protocol
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随着计算机网络技术的发展和对通信要求的提高,产生了一种具有无固定中心基站的网络——移动自组织网络( Mobile Ad hoc Network,MANET) 。它不依赖于固定设施,能够快速展开,具有极强的适应和生存能力,网络中的每一个节点地位平等,可以在网内自由移动并保持通信,而且其中任何一个节点的损坏都不会使整个网络瘫痪。由于上述特点,在数字化战场通信中,MANET已经成为首选技术,而在当下现代信息化战争中,依靠强大的空中力量才能全面掌握战场信息控制权,所以构建一个易实施、保密性高的空基网络化信息系统尤为重要[1]。但是空基网络存在平台升空高、移动节点具有高速移动的特点、对隐蔽性要求高的问题,传统利用全向天线的MANET网络已经不能满足空基网络更高的通信需求。在收发天线的选择上,隐蔽性和抗干扰性强、辐射功率的有效利用率高的定向天线将比传统采用的全向天线更为合适。