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南京电子器件研究所 固态微波器件与电路全国重点实验室
摘要: 为解决波束赋形芯片中子电路模块由于寄生效应而导致的级联失配问题提出了一种优化设计方法。该设计方法通过主动引入相邻器件阻抗牵引效应,并使其与级联阻抗失配相抵消从而实现阻抗“预失配”的设计方案。对“预失配”的技术原理以及设计流程进行了简要分析,并通过加工一款采用优化设计方案的4通道X/Ku波段的射频收发芯片,验证了该设计方案的可实现性与有效性。在8 GHz~18 GHz频带范围内,该芯片与基于端口驻波设计体系的原芯片相比,收发链路增益分别为6.5 dB和14 dB,提升了超过2 dB。发射链路输出功率21 dBm,发射效率为15.7%,分别提升了1 dB和9%。接收链路噪声系数为8.72 dB,降低了1.2 dB。收发链路最大移相均方根误差为5.12°和5.25°,分别下降了3.17°和1.75°。
中图分类号:TN454 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.244892
中文引用格式: 余秋实,郭润楠,陈昊,等. 应用于收发链路多模块级联的优化设计方法[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(5):77-83.
英文引用格式: Yu Qiushi,Guo Runnan,Chen Hao,et al. An optimization design scheme applied to multi-modules cascading of transceiver IC[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(5):77-83.
An optimization design scheme applied to multi-modules cascading of transceiver IC
Yu Qiushi,Guo Runnan,Chen Hao,Zhuang Yuan,Liang Yun,Yan Yujun,Wu Xia,Ge Fengchun, Wang Weibo,Tao Hongqi
National Key Laboratory of Solid-state Microwave Devices and Circuits,Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute
Abstract: In this paper, a novel optimization design scheme is proposed to solve the cascading mismatch problem of sub-circuits in beamforming chips due to parasitic effects. The optimization design scheme proposed in this paper is a design scheme that realizes impedance “pre-mismatch” by introducing the impedance traction effect of adjacent modules and offsetting it with the cascade impedance mismatch. The theory of the “pre-mismatch” technique is provided in the article and a 4-channel X/Ku-band RF transceiver chip has been fabricated to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this scheme. Compared to conventional designs, the chip operates within the frequency band of 8 GHz~18 GHz, with the receive and transmit average link gains of 6.5 dB and 14 dB, respectively. Both transceiver link gains are increased by more than 2 dB. The transmit link output power is 21 dBm and power-added efficiency is 15.7%,optimized by 1 dB and 9%. The receive link noise figure of 8.72 dB is reduced by 1.2 dB. The maximum phase-shifted root-means-square errors of the transceiver link are 5.25°and 5.12°, with a decrease of 1.75° and 3.17°.
Key words : multi-modules cascading;X/Ku-band;GaAs pHEMT;Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC);phased array transceiver


随着电子信息技术不断发展,越来越多的电子设备终端采用了相控阵体制。作为相控阵系统中的关键器件,波束赋形芯片通常由包括放大器、移相器、衰减器等子电路模块组成[1]。传统设计中为了简化级联设计,这些子电路模块端口通常都被匹配至标准50 Ω负载。然而由于寄生效应的存在使得子电路模块端口阻抗往往不能完美匹配到50 Ω[2],特别是在一些宽带应用场景中。这种非完美的阻抗匹配会使得各子电路模块间产生失配,导致链路性能的下降。因此,如何减少模块间级联失配导致的性能下降成为热门研究课题。






(南京电子器件研究所 固态微波器件与电路全国重点实验室,江苏 南京 210016)

