您所在的位置:首页 > 电源技术 > 设计应用 > 猝发重频高压大功率脉冲充电电源研制
中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所
摘要: 针对电感隔离型重频Marx发生器的充电需求,研制了一台猝发重频高压大功率脉冲充电电源。该电源采用直流电源+储能电容+晶闸管开关+脉冲变压器的技术路线,设计指标为充电电压为90 kV,充电电流1 kA,充电重复频率1 Hz~100 Hz可调,猝发工作时最大充电次数为5次。首先介绍了充电电源的工作原理,进行了电路参数计算和结构设计,得到了晶闸管、初级电源和脉冲变压器等主要器件的参数。然后试制组装了一套电源,并进行了实验验证:对等效总电容量为0.7 μF的紧凑型Marx发生器充电时,充电电压90 kV,充电时间小于120 μs,充电重复频率10 Hz。该电源的研制成功对高功率重复频率脉冲功率源的进一步小型化具有重要意义。
中图分类号:TN782 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234615
中文引用格式: 冯传均,戴文峰,郝世荣,等. 猝发重频高压大功率脉冲充电电源研制[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(5):102-105.
英文引用格式: Feng Chuanjun,Dai Wenfeng,Hao Shirong,et al. Development of high voltage and high power pulse charging power supply with burst repetition frequency[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(5):102-105.
Development of high voltage and high power pulse charging power supply with burst repetition frequency
Feng Chuanjun,Dai Wenfeng,Hao Shirong,Cao Longbo,Liu Hongwei,Wang Chuanwei
Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP, Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power
Abstract: In order to meet the charging requirements of the repetitive pulse power source based on inductance isolated Marx generator, a burst repetitive high-voltage and high-power pulse charging power supply was designed and developed. The power supply adopts the pulse transformer technology route, with a designed charging voltage of 90 kV, charging current of 1 kA, adjustable charging repetition frequency of 1~100 Hz, and a maximum burst charging frequency of 5 times. This article introduces the working principle of charging power supply, conducts circuit parameter calculation and structural design, and obtains the parameters of main components such as thyristors, primary power supply, and pulse transformers. This power supply charges a compact Marx generator with an equivalent total capacitance of 0.7 μF, achieving a charging voltage of 90 kV, a charging time of less than 120 μs, and technical specifications for charging repetition frequency of 10 Hz. The development of this power supply has reference significance for further miniaturization research of high-power repetitive pulse power sources.
Key words : repetitive frequency pulse;thyristor;pulse transformer;Marx generator


脉冲功率技术是近几十年内快速发展起来的一门新兴科学,随后在高功率微波、强激光、电磁发射等国防军事需求及民用领域日益广泛应用的牵引下,取得了巨大进步[1-3]。重复频率、小型化是脉冲功率源重要的发展方向之一,基于电容储能电感隔离的Marx发生器工作频率不断提高[4-8]。为了满足储能电容快速充电的需求,本文设计并研制了一台猝发重频高压大功率脉冲充电电源,利用交流220 V供电,实现输出电压大于90 kV脉冲电流大于1 kA,充电峰值功率大于30 MW,可猝发5脉冲重频输出,重复频率1~100 Hz可调。





(中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所,四川 绵阳 621000)

