您所在的位置:首页 > 测试测量 > 设计应用 > 可配置化卫星电子学半物理仿真系统设计与实现
摘要: 为提高商业卫星星务软件的研制效率,减少卫星部件产品研制进度对整星软件开发的影响,便于卫星批量研制生产,提出一种可配置化卫星电子学半物理仿真系统设计。该电子学仿真系统由中心计算机、通信接口部分、星上电子学单机仿真部分和系统测试部分组成,利用可配置化、通用化、高集成化和模块化设计思想,开发具有可配置化特点的中心计算机、灵活可配置多功能特点的星上电子学单机仿真模拟器、可重构的通信接口和智能化系统测试接口,集成一套可配置化卫星电子学仿真系统。以此仿真系统进行星务软件的开发测试实验,结果表明,该系统能够为整星提供半物理仿真实验数据,满足不同型号卫星星务软件的研制需求,同时具备接入实物单机进行仿真测试功能。该电子学仿真系统能够提高星务软件的研制效率,有利于卫星批量生产,具有重要的工程研制意义。
中图分类号:V448.22;TP311 文献标志码:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.234549
中文引用格式: 程龙,王鹏程,鲁旭,等. 可配置化卫星电子学半物理仿真系统设计与实现[J]. 电子技术应用,2024,50(5):106-110.
英文引用格式: Cheng Long,Wang Pengcheng,Lu Xv,et al. Design and implementation of configurable satellite electronics semi-physical simulation system[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(5):106-110.
Design and implementation of configurable satellite electronics semi-physical simulation system
Cheng Long,Wang Pengcheng,Lu Xv,Li Ming
Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.
Abstract: In order to improve the development efficiency of commercial satellite house-keeping software, reduce the impact of satellite component product development progress on the whole satellite software development, and facilitate satellite batch production, a design method of configurable satellite electronics semi-physical simulation system is proposed in this paper. The electronics simulation system is composed of OBC, communication interface department, on-board electronics stand-alone simulation part and system test part. Using the configurable, universal, highly integrated and modular design ideas, the OBC with configurable characteristics, flexible and configurable multi-functional on-board electronics single-unit simulation simulator, reconfigurable communication interface and intelligent system test interface integrate a set of configurable satellite electronics simulation system. The results show that the system can provide semi-physical simulation experimental data for the whole satellite, and meet the development requirements of satellite house-keeping software of different types. At the same time, it has the function of connecting physical single machine for simulation test. The electronic simulation system can improve the development efficiency of satellite service software, is conducive to the mass production of satellites, and has important engineering significance.
Key words : commercial satellite;house-keeping software;configurable;satellite electronics







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